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This ... this is just a dream, this cannot be reality. I close my eyes and wake up in my bed. Oh shit, those boobs are so heavy and huge, I can't help but feel this super heavy weight on my chest and these feelings ... If this is a dream, then this is a very real dream. How the hell is that possible?

The last thing I remember is when we were in a bar and then ... then everything is in a fog .... God, this is all impossible! Where the hell am I and why am I in this girl's body? I woke up a few minutes ago and was lying on the bed. I tried not to pay attention to my body and sensations, but it was impossible. No, no, no, I'll just close my eyes and ...

- Oh, baby, you woke up.

He examined me with a strange look with a smile and added

- It's a pity that I have to go to work.

- Jack ?! What?! What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I have this body?

- What are you talking about, dear? You have a super sexy body and ..

- Shut up! I'm a girl and these huge tits! Say it's just my nightmare or ... or I don't know how else to explain it!

- Suzy, I don't understand you at all!

- Damn, Jack! What a joke ?! This is all unrealistic. I'm Frank Smith, your work colleague!

- Suzy, God, what the hell are you talking about since morning, I have no time for jokes, sorry honey, I'm running away

- What?!

I started to get out of bed and felt my huge boobs swinging and I could barely keep my balance even while sitting and almost fell. My back felt this weight very strongly and I did not dare to get up after Jack.

- Jack! I do not understand anything! Stop!

The crying of a child was heard outside the door

- Suzy, you better calm down the child, we'll talk tonight

And he left, leaving me alone in this strange situation. 


I heard the door slam shut and just sat in a stupor, not understanding anything at all, my huge boobs hung with a big heavy weight from my chest and I could not do anything with these new sensations, which I didn’t like at all. But what can I say, I can't imagine how you can live with such huge breasts. My long hair touched my shoulders and back. The crying of a child was still heard from the next room, but I did not even think about it.

Why did Jack call me Suzy and why did he say "honey"? Why didn't he react in any way when I told him my real name and what the hell happened? So many questions and not a single answer!

Oh shit, my ... I went to check my panties and ... shit! well of course it's empty there! But this is not normal! Yes, when this child has already shut up. I need to call someone. Where is any telephone here?

I looked around and saw that there was some kind of pink mobile phone on the nightstand. I took the phone with trembling hands. The phone was locked, but it unlocked as soon as I looked at it. This phone definitely belonged to the girl in whose body I found myself. I flipped through the list of contacts. Jack's phone was recorded as "Sweetheart Hubby". I waited a few seconds, and then pressed "call".

- Hello

- Yes, Suzy

- Jack, where have you gone ?! What the hell is going on ?!

- Honestly, I don't understand this theater of yours

- Listen! You and the other guys and I were at the bar yesterday and ...

- Oh, honey, you are confusing something. Yesterday we were with you all evening at home with our baby Abby

- What? You don't have children!

- This conversation is already beginning to frighten me. Are you with the baby now? Or is she still crying? Suzy, please tell me you're with Abby. It seems to me that she just needs to be fed and calm

- Jack! I do not...

- Suzy, please talk tonight, I'm driving. Feed Abby

- I'm good

I put the phone away and now I myself understood that I needed to somehow reassure the child who was crying in the next room. I was afraid to think about it, but maybe something happened yesterday that changed reality and I somehow ended up in the body of Jack's wife ... who was not married and we ...

I think I remembered! We drank and talked about the fact that Jack is alone and he has no children and wife at his 38 years old, and then one of the guys got some kind of transparent sphere ... then I remember very vaguely, but ... damn it! This child, she does not let me think and remember! 


I got out of bed and for the first time now stood on my feet in this body. Everything turned out to be much more complicated, even the first steps were not easy for me. My back was already aching from the fact that I had to keep my back straight due to such a huge weight on my chest. It turned out to be not easy to stand on my feet either, the center of gravity shifted to a completely different direction.

I took a few steps and realized that I needed to find a bra. This was a strange thought. I didn't think that I would ever have to think about this, much less put it on, but now it was simply necessary. I looked around and saw the closet that I thought there should be clothes.

Putting on a bra was not so easy. I knew how it works, but I didn't think about how to put it on correctly.

Damn, am I really doing this. I urgently need to find a way out of this situation.

And why didn't I call myself ?! This thought suddenly occurred to me and I thought that this was the very first thing that needed to be done. I dialed the phone number and heard beeps

- Hello

- Hello, who is this?

- In what sense, who are you calling?

- I'm calling Frank Smith

- You have the wrong number

And I heard short beeps. How wrong? I knew for sure that this was my number, but ... I tried again and on the other side a man's voice answered me the same thing.

Standing up against the wall and decided that I needed to finish the business with the bra and the baby, and then continue my business further. 


Oh, yes, it's much better that way. But the bra straps were very tight on my shoulders, and my breasts were uncomfortably tight against my body. I felt the fabric of the bra with my new assets, but it was better than not wearing a bra, that's for sure.

I went into the next room and saw that the baby was sleeping peacefully in the crib, and Mike, one of my colleagues, who was also at our party yesterday, was sitting next to him, and next to him was that round transparent glass ball.

"Susie, you're a lousy mother, I think the baby would have starved to death before he got your breast milk."

Mike said and turned off the sound from the tape recorder, which was the voice of a child.

- What?! Explain to me what's going on here?! Why are you here?! You did this to me?!

I was beside myself with rage and with the fact that I didn't understand anything at all.

- Susie ...

- Don't call me that! I'm Frank and I don't understand anything! Change me back!

- No, it doesn't work that way. Frank, yes, but your real name is Susannah right now, so I thought it was the right thing to do for your body... God, I didn't even think you'd get all this, even though it's your wish after all.

I quickly ran up to Mike and I wanted to hit him, but he looked like he was transparent. My punch went right through him

"No, Frank, that's not going to work.

"Mike, what the hell?" Why are you transparent?

I just noticed that Mike looks like a hologram or a spirit

"You forgot everything. I told you it was a dangerous thing to do. Yes, you were drunk, but still. When I took out this sphere yesterday, I immediately said that it was a powerful artifact of the ancients. To be honest, I didn't think it would end like this for you. But I don't even know whether to feel sorry for you or envy you! You have such a body, Lord!

- Mike! Explain now and get my body back!

- Frank. I told you it's impossible. This artifact creates a different reality. This reality did not exist yesterday and it was created specifically at your request

"I couldn't wish it!" This is all some kind of prank! None of this is real

"Oh, no, it's very real. You just don't scream, you'll wake your baby up. I don't have much time, I'll just tell you so that you understand everything, I can see that you really don't remember anything. You were pretty drunk yesterday, and so was I, or I wouldn't even have taken out that balloon. When I took out the sphere and told them about it, everyone just laughed and joked. Do you remember when you took the sphere in your hands and said that you wanted Jack to have a MILF with huge tits?

- No!

- Then you added


-Do you remember how you took the sphere in your hands and said that you wish for Jack a milf with huge tits?

- Not!

- Then you added something about the child and ... to be honest, I don't remember very well either, and this is bad for you, because now you will have to find out all this yourself

- Give me this ball!

I took the ball and saw Mike stand up in surprise

- What?! How did you get this ball? You shouldn't even have seen it!

- Yes! What can I do to get me back !?

- No, Frank, you don't understand. This is not how it works. Just give me the ball and live in peace. Trust me, you won't change anything!

- I'll try. So...

I started rubbing the ball and saw that some kind of glow appeared in it

- I wish to change me back!

- Frank, stop! Better shut up!

- Not! I wish to be Frank Smith! Why doesn't it work! God the child is awake! It would be better if he was not here! I'm not going to be Jack's wife, much less stay here!

I saw how the ball lit up and the image began to change. Mike took the ball and started to disappear too

- I warned you Frank ....

- Mike what's going on ?!

The room began to change. And gradually all disappear. After a few seconds, the room changed. The baby and Mike weren't here. My body remained the same, but now I felt and then saw that I was wearing a short tight gray dress. I did not feel the bra and my breasts were now restrained only by this dress.

- What the hell again? ...

I looked down and started to check myself. My long hair blocked my view and all this did not please me at all. Only the clothes have changed. 


Heck. I am still in this body and Mike has disappeared somewhere. It is good, of course, that now I understood everything, but at the same time I did not understand. How the hell is all this possible and where am I now.

Oh my god, those boobs. I began to pull on the edge of the fabric of my dress and with every millimeter my immense breasts now seemed to me even bigger and bigger. Finally, I removed a piece of the coat and my left breast was exposed.

I still can't believe that this is all real! But I can feel it all. It doesn't sound like a dream or anything at all! By the way, where is the child and why the room has changed so much. Where the hell am I again? Whoa damn ...

I took a step back and fell onto the sofa. I didn't expect to be wearing high-heeled shoes now. Heels! How to walk in them? And even more so how to move around with such massive breasts? Again, I'm thinking about the wrong thing! I urgently need to look for a way out! Sphere. Mike .. If this is all true, then there must be Mike in this reality and he must help me

Is someone walking outside the door ?! 


There was indeed someone behind the door. I heard someone fiddling with the door and trying to open it. I quickly put on the reverse dress. My breasts were soft and tender. I had never held such large breasts in my life, and now I not only held them, but also felt them with my own body and my own touch. From his touches and accidentally touched the nipples and got a little aroused.

The door opened and two men entered the room. I didn't know any of them.

- Hands up!

I got scared and put my hands behind my head

- Haha! Suzanne! What a face ?! You should have seen yourself.

It was a black man in a leather jacket. He laughed and apparently he knew the girl in whose body I found myself

- What lovely chubby cheeks! I told you it’s just a bomb, not a girl!

He winked at me and went into another room. I was left alone with another person. I looked at him in silence, afraid to remove my hands from behind my head. The man began to undress. When he was only in his pants, this black man came out from another room

- Oh, take your time buddy. Trust me, she's worth her money, isn't she cute? Okay, I'll leave you alone

- What?! Who you are?! What are you about?!

I started, but the door had already closed and I was left alone with this unknown man.

- So what do you say your name is?

- I ... uh, Suzanne (I said through clenched teeth). What are you doing?

- In what sense?


- I mean, why are you undressing ?!

- Is this some kind of role-playing game? If so, then I'm ready to play it, I like it when girls like you pretend that they are not available

- I don’t ... god, man, you are in only underpants!

I turned away from him in fright. Even in this dress my chest swayed from every, even the slightest movement

- What a virgin girl. Well now we fix it

- Just get out of here.

- No no no.

He came up to me and began to undress, but I hit him and moved further on the couch.

- Bad girl! I understood what you mean. So even better.

He walked away from me to his clothes and took out a pistol from there!

- What?! What are you?! I do not...

- Yes, yes, honey, now do everything yourself. First, take off everything that bothers us

- What to shoot? The dress?

- What a quick-witted girl

Now I was even more afraid than before. He sat with a pistol in front of me in a chair. I began to slowly remove the upper part of the dress, hoping that this moment would stretch out and that there would not be what I was thinking about. I didn’t want to make venal love with him at all.

I saw him getting excited with every move I made. It didn't work out as slowly as I wanted. 


- Yes, yes, yes, dear. I don't even know how you ended up in this service sector, with such a body you could earn a lot of money

I suddenly stopped and looked frightened at him

- Oh yes, exactly, I was distracted.

He pointed the gun at me again

- Now come closer

I slowly got up from the couch and remembered again that I was in heels. My legs swayed and trembled and I walked slowly, trying to balance and keep this new center of gravity. I saw this man smiling and realized that he liked what he saw, and I wanted to be asked to disappear. I cursed everything I could and thought about how I could escape from here.

I walked a few steps and the distance between us was halved. I couldn't take it anymore, my chest swayed like jelly and was unbearably heavy and that long hair only made it worse.

- Now let's continue, shoot the rest

- The rest?

I spoke with a trembling voice

- Yes, what's left

I bent down to start taking off the bottom of the dress and realized that it was wasted. My chest bent down with me and sagged. Now my back began to hurt even more, my muscles were clearly not adapted for such a weight.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door several times, then I heard the voice "open the police!"

In just a few seconds, this man gathered his clothes and ran through the window and I was left alone, still trying to resist on his heels

The door was knocked several times, and then they hit me sharply and I saw several policemen with pistols burst into my room. I grabbed my big breasts to cover myself somehow.

One of the cops ran after the man, and the other stayed and told me

- Ma'am, you are arrested for illegal prostitution, you have the right to remain silent, whatever you say can be used against you in court! 


I don't know how, but this fucking sphere ruined my life! The cops put me behind bars, but just a few hours later this black guy who turned out to be my pimp came and took me away. He didn’t say anything, and I was afraid then to ask anything. All this day and it all just took all my strength that day

He took me to another apartment and there I was finally left alone. I tried to contact my old colleagues with whom I was drinking at the time, but I did not remember the numbers, they were all recorded in my old phone.

The next day I wanted to go to my old job and find Mike there. I put on the most modest clothes I could find, but nothing came of it. There were only short tight skirts and dresses, and all the shoes were high heels. I looked like a whore, but I was able to find a man's coat that I couldn't even button up because of the huge breasts.

I got to my old job and realized that I couldn't get past the checkpoint. The guards did not let me in, and even when I said that I was going to my friends (they always let my friends in that way), they also refused me and I understand them, my appearance was very strange. Finally I decided to wait for Mike to come out. While I was standing, I saw how men and women were looking at me and I did not like these views at all, like everything I have now. I dreamed of when I could get my life back.

When Mike came out, he did not recognize me and said that I did not know Frank. In this new reality, I did not exist, and Jack was dealing with another wife and child, I found out later. My old apartment was also occupied and someone lived in it.

When I returned to the apartment my pimp had brought me to, I never expected him to be there. He scolded me and said that this is the last time I leave without his asking. He told me that if this happens again, he will take me to Turkey or another Muslim country to work there.

I had to accept the terms of this life. I hate it all, especially those big boobs. It is very difficult and inconvenient to do even simple things with them. And all people take me lightly or stupidly. But the most important thing is that I'm stuck and don't know what to do! 


Suzy was Johnny's better girlfriend and he was genuinely worried about her. He did not know why she suddenly changed dramatically after the police raid. The police had arrested her before, but he always pulled her out of the very first of all his girls and it was not clear why she had changed now.

She became less relaxed and now some clients even left dissatisfied. Susie told Johnny that she didn’t want to work here and he had to explain to her that it was impossible and once even scared him that he would ruin her life. Suzy has always brought in the most money and has loved it before. God gave her an excellent body, face and she skillfully used it. But now everything is much different. She even began to dress, do makeup and walk in heels as if she had never done it! She always looked like she didn't like her body and especially her big breasts. She often started to feel sad and say some strange things about being a boyfriend. She sometimes went to a business center in the center, in which there was a large investment company and did something there. Of course Johnny didn't like it all.

Johnny had to ask other girls to help Suzanne, and it helped, but she still did not become the same, although she became more loyal to her work over time. Both girls and threats helped.

Her huge tits and ass were still loved by most men anyway. Yes, she began to earn a little less for Johnny, but she still brought in a lot of money, so he was not going to let her go anywhere and never.

Suzanne "big assets" was and will be his best girl. 



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