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Christian did not know that one day, on an ordinary Saturday, his life would change dramatically and in such a way that he could not even think. And the reason was so stupid.

Christian is an ordinary guy for about 20 years, he already lived and worked, but still did not have his own place. He had a girlfriend with whom they lived together and with whom everything was fine and friends. In general, his life was quite fun.

Walking through the park after work, an Asian girl with a baby in a stroller came out to meet him. He would not have paid attention to her, but her Rebecco was screaming very loudly. Some guy who was also passing by yelled at her to calm her child. Chris was not in the best mood, but he was a determined guy and shouted to the other to shut up and not disturb the girl.

Chris was closer to her. She did not speak their language and did not understand anything, she thought that two men were shouting at her. She was having a bad day and this kid who screams all the time. This girl was a descendant of a family of Japanese witches, although she did not even know it. At that moment, she got so angry that she accidentally yelled at Chris, who was closer, and cursed him!


Later, Chris began to notice changes on his way home. At first, everything began to seem larger. Then he noticed that his hands seemed to be smaller, but he did not seriously think about it. Already at the entrance, he felt his new long hair, which touched his neck and partially fell into his eyes. Then he grabbed them and tried to take them off, as if it were a wig, but he succeeded. He immediately noticed that his body had changed, now he had two bumps on his chest. His heart beat faster.


He slowly reached out with his new small palm, neatly manicured, to his chest. Under his hand was definitely a woman's breasts, which now belonged to him. He let out an obviously feminine sigh and grabbed his face! His skin is much softer and younger.

Chris decided in a panic that the best thing now was to go home. He began to run up the stairs. His chest swayed with every step, making him uncomfortable and hair caught in his eyes.

He began to look for the keys to the doors and saw that he usually did not have it on his bag, and now a woman's bag with rhinestones was on his shoulder. In this strange logic, he thought that the keys should be there and started looking, not noticing other changes. His red T-shirt has morphed into a shiny glossy gold blouse. His hair was straightened into a neat hairstyle. His pants turned into a knee-length black skirt. A bra appeared on his chest and his boxers turned into a neat thong.

He entered the apartment and sat down on the sofa, now seeing that his clothes had changed. His girlfriend had to be at home and he didn't know what to say to her. But at that moment, his belly began to increase slowly, but with every second he became more and more

- 何 て こ と だ (Nanite kotoda - oh my God!)

Chris uttered these words with surprise and was shocked by his new voice and the fact that he speaks some other language similar to Japanese

When it stopped, a man of about 45 entered the room

- What are you saying in your Japanese again ?! Hanako!

Chris looked at him and understood almost nothing. He only realized that his name was Hanako, for some reason it was obvious and that the man was clearly unhappy with something.


Chris could not believe his eyes and his feelings. Everything happened as if in a dream. He closed his eyes, but his new feelings from the clothes, from his new big belly, did not disappear. The bra straps were still crushing under his blouse. His big belly had weight and new sensations like a budir would greatly inflate him.

Chris opened his eyes as the man's hand took his chin.

- Hanako! Learn language! Otherwise, I will send you back to your family, even though you are pregnant!

Chris looked at this man's face and understood part of the words. Most importantly, he understood the essence. He nodded and agreed with him. But internally, he believed that all this was some kind of delirium or a dream.


A week later, Hanako woke up. She looked around her apartment where she lived and again noticed the changes. All the furniture has changed this time. She lifted the covers and sat down heavily on her knees. The belly was still the same big and the chest ...

Her breasts changed on the fourth day. It got bigger. Hanako noticed changes every morning. She had no idea when it would all end, but today was the last day.

The first night she did not sleep. She wanted to run away, but it was difficult in her position. She did not know where to go and everyone in the city now spoke a language that was foreign to her. Moreover, she never thought that she would sleep in the same bed with a stranger. However, in the morning she dozed off, and woke up and noticed the first changes. The room has become slightly smaller and the apartment overall has become much smaller. All of her things consisted of skirts, dresses and blouses, and shoes only with heels.

On the second day, this man changed. Now he was Asian too. Finally today, on the last day, not only the furniture has changed, which has become clearly cheaper. Opening the window, she did not recognize the city in which she lived. She was now a Japanese village.



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