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 - Fuck. This is so real. This body and my face ... This is so strange. And my voice is not the same as it was before.
Harry stood in front of the mirror, a tiny shiver running through his body. He stood in his room, which also changed after he played a little with a program that he downloaded on the Internet from a strange site.
Almost an hour ago Harry was just sitting in his room surfing the internet. It was Sunday, his parents had gone somewhere and he was left alone. He was 14 years old and on one of the adult sites he saw a link that said "try this! New product! Once for free!" and out of boredom he pressed it.
It was written on the site that this is a magic program that can do everything! Literally everything! Harry chuckled and decided to download it. Although he knew it might be a virus, he checked it before opening it.
When he started the program he saw two windows. The first was to upload his photo, and the second was what he wanted to get. With a laugh, Harry found one of his photos, and in the second window he uploaded the first photo of a mature woman in lingerie that came across on the Internet, he was aroused by mature ladies. He clicked OK and a "wait" window appeared. Harry chuckled. This lasted for several minutes and Harry was about to close the program when he noticed something strange
His hand. She became different. A manicure and a gold ring with a small diamond appeared on his nails. As he examined his hand, he noticed that his room had changed slightly. Instead of his clothes, which were hanging on a hanger, there were now women's dresses, mostly long ones, and various women's underwear were scattered on the bed, although a few minutes ago there was a pile of his clothes that he had to remove.
Harry felt something start to press on his shoulder. He touched his shoulders and found the strap, which turned out to be the strap from his white bra, which was now on him. Harry looked down and saw that the bra was clearly female breasts, the same size as the picture he had uploaded to the program. Harry continued examining his body and saw that instead of his boxers, he was wearing white transparent panties with a beautiful pattern, and his legs were tightly wrapped in white garter stockings.
Harry's heart was beating fast, he realized that this was all a program, although it was incorrect. He wanted to press the cancel button, but the program had already finished and the screen said "changes complete".
Harry got out of bed and walked slowly to the mirror. He saw his face, which had delicate feminine makeup, there were small earrings in his ears, and his hair became more well-groomed. His whole body changed, he was a little shorter than before, but his body was definitely older. Judging by his body, he was about 30-35 years old. Although it was still his face, he saw small lines around his eyes, which were hidden by the makeup. He felt like he was missing his penis and all these new sensations were clearly wrong.
Harry went back to his computer and started looking for his photo, which he uploaded to the first window. He couldn't find it right away, because everything changed on the computer too. The folders and their names changed, he could not find a single photo with him. Finally he found some folder called "wedding" and opened it and saw a photo of a happy girl with a man. The photos were wedding photos, but when Harry looked closely, he saw that the girl had his face, only she was younger and with long hair.
He scaredly used this photo and found a photo of a guy on the Internet, for a second window, but the program did not allow the action. A window appeared that to use the program requires payment of $ 1 million. Harry repeated his actions in dismay. He downloaded the program again, but it didn't help.
Suddenly he heard someone enter the house and in fright began to look for something to put on.

Harry could not find anything except dresses and skirts and therefore decided that so that his parents would not see him in his underwear, he needed to put on something as quickly as possible.

He took a hanging dress, which, as it seemed to him, covers his entire new body and began to put on. As he dressed, he thought about what he would say to his parents. He thought that at first they would ask why he was wearing a dress, but at least they would not see his new body and he could use the time to solve the problem. He understood that if his parents saw this, it would be strange, but it would be stranger if they saw his new body, he had not yet figured out how he would explain it.


Finally Harry stood in front of the mirror, his hands still shaking slightly, as was his entire body. He felt like with all his movements, his new breasts were constantly dangling even in a bra, and his new big ass was shaking like jelly. It was all too old and new for him. He stood and looked into his reflection, not believing in all this.

- Still too strange ...

He muttered to himself, trying to keep his chest out of sight. He thought that he should have hidden it somehow better and put on something else, but what and how? There was very little time

There was a knock on the door and he heard my mother's voice

- Honey, are you here?

He was afraid to answer, and therefore was silent

- Deborah, I'm coming in, I hope you're there alone.

And the door to Garrry's room opened. His mother entered the room and was not at all surprised at what she saw, she just said

“Oh, Deborah, you're trying on outfits again. You are a fashionista!

Harry did not understand why his mother called him Deborah, and why she was not surprised that he was in this form and that there were a lot of female things in his room, and he continued to be silent. Harry's mom smiled and said

- Stop worrying, dear, that you are temporarily living with us. It's okay, we all understand, Mike (Harry's father) and I also have problems, sometimes I also want to leave him, but then we make up. I'm sure that you and Tom will make up too and you will move over to him. My sister shouldn't be sad.

She hugged Harry and he felt his new chest pressed against his mom's. He never said anything, and his mom just said that to make him feel at home.


Harry's mom left and left him alone.

- Make yourself at home ... but I'm home ... What the hell? I need to change everything back.

Harry looked into the mirror and there was still a middle-aged woman who had Harry's face reflected. The bra straps were still pressing on his shoulders, although they were not visible, and the weight on his chest reminded him that this was all true and not a joke with dressing up.

He looked down at his hand and noticed that it had a ring on it. He remembered his mother's words about some Tom with whom they needed to make peace, remembered photos from the wedding and ... Harry looked up at the ceiling and just whispered softly

- It can't be!

He wanted to do something, but did not know how to return everything. His laptop screen still had this inscription - pay a million dollars to make another trade.

Harry tried again, but the program offered nothing else.

Harry didn’t want to accept that he was now somehow the sister of his mother, who was married but was now living with her because she had a falling out with her husband. Suddenly his phone rang and he saw the inscription "son" on the phone screen. Harry could not even imagine that he could have a child!

Harry picked up the phone. He was still a little scared from his voice and simply answered monotonously "yes, no, everything is all right, etc.". His son asked if everything was fine when he would return to his father and talked about how Tom was very worried. He clearly wanted to reconcile his parents.

Harry was like a dream. Everything that was happening now did not fit into his mind. During the conversation, he straightened the bra straps several times and touched his chest with his hand, which was tightly pressed by the bra. He felt his hand in his chest and wondered how smooth, soft and tender it was. The conversation turned out to be strange.

Harry spent the rest of the day in his room and tried not to go anywhere except the toilet and the kitchen to eat. There he met his father and mother several times.

It was difficult to sleep in this body. Everything seemed different. Every time he tossed and turned, his chest reminded of itself. He could not sleep in his underwear because it was terribly uncomfortable.

In the evening, when he took off his bra, he realized that for the first time he saw a real female breast live and it was his breast. He could no longer see this reflection in the mirror in his room. During that day, he realized that he didn’t want to be an adult woman, all the more it was wild to see his old face with this body, and when he took off his bra, remaining only in panties, and saw his reflection again, he almost cried. According to his passport, he was now 38 years old! He is just a 14 year old boy now has lost 24 years of his life and has become an adult married woman with children! And all because of this stupid program!


All the same, Harry fell asleep and had strange dreams. When he woke up, he forgot for a while what happened to him yesterday. But then the memories came back to him and he looked under the covers, there he saw the same middle-aged body and the same boobs that were still his. He ran his hand over his body and touched his chest, which rolled from this movement, brought his hand further and made sure that his penis was still missing

- Damn, this was not a dream.

He closed his eyes as if it brought him back, but it didn't help. He looked with hatred first at the mirror, which he had already wanted to remove, and then at the computer.

Harry got out of bed, feeling his chest loose without a bra, and decided to try this strange program again, he thought that maybe there was something that he lowered.

He sat naked in a chair by his laptop, muttering to himself in his new high-pitched voice.

- There must be something else besides these two buttons. I'm sure of it. Oh, here it is, additional options

Harry wondered why he didn't immediately find this menu with additional options. Once again, hope appeared in it when the program window opened, there were many different checkmarks, sliders with completely different inscriptions, such as "weight, waist size, tone of voice, etc.". Harry found the item "gender" and was already delighted when he saw that it was possible to change the checkmark from "F" to "M", but the program did not allow this, these items could not be changed, and every time he clicked on this item, it appeared a message to buy the $ 10 million premium version!

Out of desperation, Harry began to click on all the items in a row, but every time there was this message. Harry got very nervous again and wanted to change something! He didn’t want to live the rest of his life as a woman, wife, mother, he didn’t even want to go out like that.

In a fit of hysterics, Harry continued to click on various menu items and some could really be changed

- So I can still change something? So that it was revealed, "relatives", approx. It says here that these items can be changed once for free blah blah blah. Go to hell. OK.

All his new relatives were listed on the "relatives" menu. His sister was really his mother, Tom was also written there, as husband, children of Harry, or rather Deborah, etc.

Harry deleted everyone and pressed ok.

Then he found the item "work"

- What the fuck ?! Secretary ?! No, fuck a job!

Harry deleted everything again and pressed "ok"

- It's all? Can't you change anything else here? Okay "apply"!

Harry pressed the apply button and for a moment, his eyes went dark. When the image reappeared, he did not recognize his room.

Harry was sitting on the bed in sexy black lingerie and a nightie. All around were slightly dirty walls with old wallpaper. The furniture is clearly outdated, but for some reason it was still standing nearby. Most importantly, his laptop was no longer here! Harry looked around in horror, but could not find him. He saw only old furniture, an old painting on the wall and a wooden door that was in this room.

He looked around himself and made sure that he has the same body. There was a mirror on the wall and the same woman was looking out of it. But this time, Harry had some cheap makeup on his face.

Harry took off the top of his nightie and saw his boobs again.

The door to the room opened and a man entered and the room smelled sharply of alcohol

- Oh yeah baby. Right to the point, I see that you were waiting for me

He began to take off his pants and Harry looked in horror at what was happening


Two months later, Deborah was sitting on the couch in a photo studio and choosing different poses in order to better appear in the photo. She was wearing nylon tights with suspenders, pink panties and a matching bra, which she had already taken off after a few frames in it. It was a photo shoot for adult websites that she was paid for. This was not the first photo session. This photographer met her at the same motel in which she lived and provided services for the request.

When she was in this room two months ago, she did not understand anything. She wanted to expel her first client, but he was drunk and very excited and she could not resist. He left the money and left, leaving her alone in this motel.

Deborah found documents in her purse in the same name Deborah, 38, and her phone, which was much cheaper. She didn’t find any records on the phone like “mom, dad or sister, husband, son”, there were only strange records on the phone like “Johnny Cop Bribe, Fat Frank is a big dick, Jimmy pays well, etc.”. She dressed in meager clothes, which she found then in the room and went to her old house.

It was a humiliating walk, then she was not yet used to dress like that, she was wearing a short skirt, a top with a neckline and an open belly and a small leather jacket. She walked slowly because the only shoes were knee high heels with high heels. She looked like a whore, she was a whore, but then she did not understand it yet.

When she reached her old house, she realized that no one would recognize her here and she had to return to the motel. She later discovered that she had never worked in a real job. She received all the money in life mainly through prostitution. She did not receive an education, did not even finish school.

She wanted to get a job in diners at least as a waitress, but she was not hired, she had a bad reputation and no one wanted to trust her.


alternate ending


Deborah stood at the ironing board and slowly stroked her linen, her husband's linen, her children. The same words were in her head

"Ironing, I hate shit ironing"

Three months have passed since Deborah radically changed her life with the help of a program that she downloaded from the Internet as a boy Harry. Then she did not know how easily and jokingly she completely changed her life with just a few clicks of the mouse.

She lived for several more weeks at her sister's house (formerly Harry's mother). She helped her sister with cleaning and cooking. She did not want to do this, but her sister at first hinted, and then said directly that Ras Deborah lived with them, she should at least somehow help around the house. Deborah worked as a secretary in a small firm and it was weird. She found out about this only towards the evening of the second day from her sister.

When she first showed up for work, she was wearing a business suit that she found in the closet, it was a skirt, a white blouse and a jacket. She hated skirts, but couldn't find any pants in her wardrobe.

Working as a secretary was not difficult, but she did not like the fact that everyone looked at her as a woman. Someone compliments her, someone tried to hug her. All these weeks, Deborah went without a wedding ring, which she took off on the very first day.

She saw her children and her husband Tom several times over the past two weeks, who apologized for cheating on Deborah. She gave some gifts, and the children behaved strangely, like Deborah herself.

Deborah thought about how to find a million dollars, but when she did it, she realized that it was impossible.

She eventually moved into her home with her family. This was necessary, because her sister was already clearly speaking in a passive-aggressive manner that Deborah needed to leave or live separately or return to her family.

The thought that she would have to sleep with a man, with her husband. scared Deborah and she spent the night separately, but it all happened by accident when she got drunk and Deborah lost control.

- Debbie honey I'm home

Deborah was putting things in the closet when she heard that voice. She thought that Tom was back too early and she wanted to be alone with her thoughts. She did all the housework and she just needed to rest and think. She often liked to be alone and think about life. She put her hand on her belt and exhaled sadly, looking at Tom with serious eyes.

- Oh, I see you're not in the mood. I will come later.

And he went into another room.

Deborah stood there for another minute, looking down at her breasts, which stood out in these clothes. She remembered her old life again and was upset again.



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