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I was a cocky son-of-bitch...very vain and full of my self. I was unmarried because I was too selfish to commit to anyone else. I enjoyed the bachelor's life and loved the conquest of women. I was in finance. One of those guys who makes money creating nothing. My parents were rich and when when my parents died I would be worth tens of millions. It was a great life.

The day it all happened was in July in Miami. It was extremely hot and humid but I had just walked out of a business meeting so I was wearing a navy blue Armani suit perfectly tailored to my athletic body. The meeting was at my hotel and after I stepped out of the conference room, I stopped at a little pool side bar for a cold drink. I saw her from behind at first. She was a petite, little thing (not more than 155 cm) with a big round ass that exploded from her tiny little waist. She wore a pair of little shorts that barely covered her ass and exposed every luscious detail of the perfectly formed orb. She had smooth, flawless, dark brown skin and her beautifully fit legs extended into tiny little feet on top of very high white high heeled sandals.

She couldn't have been much more than 18-19. She was beautiful but in a young, fresh cute way. She was of African descent with some European and Hispanic blood mixed in.

"Hi. How are you?" She asked me politely with a young, high, almost lyrical voice that had a distinct Jamaican accent.

"I'm well and how are you? I would ask to buy you a drink but you already have one. How about I order one for myself and we have a drink by the pool?"

She smiled wider and said, "Sure."

She was smarter and more educated than I expected, but when I asked her what she did for a living and she said waitress. I smiled to myself thinking these poor little foreign girls are so easy. They go gaga over a rich businessman every time.

When she asked me if I lived in Miami, I took the opportunity to tell her I didn't but that I was staying in this very hotel. "The rooms are incredible here." I said excitedly.

"Really? I've always wanted to see what they looked like."

"Well, why don't we run up there real quick and take a look? I'm sure our drinks will be here when we get back."

"Why not just take them with us? " she asked. "You can buy me my next drink through room service." she said slyly.

I laughed, picked up both drinks and led her to the elevator. My room was on one of the top floors.

We reached the twentieth floor and I placed my hand on the small of her back as we walked to the room. Her gorgeous dark brown skin was soft and smooth. When my suite door opened, her big brown eyes got very wide. The suite was humongous and had floor to ceiling windows overlooking the ocean. It even had a private patio. She gasped.

"This is incredible." she shrieked in her cute accent.

I didn't waste another moment and I pulled her close to me and began kissing her neck. She let out a satisfied sigh and relaxed in my arms.

"Take off that shirt." I whispered in her ear seductively.

She pulled away and slid it over her head tossing it onto a nearby chair. "Do you want to have my breasts, sir?" she asked slyly.

The "sir" made me even harder than I already was and I nodded and said "Yes." She unclasped her pink bra and freed her huge breasts. They filled up a large portion of her torso and had the firmness of a teenager. Her nipples were dark brown and poked out at least a half an inch.

"Would you like to have my ass, sir." she continued.

Once again, almost in a trance, I responded, "Yes." She turned around and slid the tiny white shorts down her shapely legs and tossed the them on the chair with the rest of her clothes. Her ass was flawless. 

"How about my pussy?" she said over her shoulder. "Do you want to have my pussy, sir?"

I once again said "yes" in almost a whisper.

"How about my face?" she asked licking her lips. "Do you want my face, sir?"

"Yes, get on your knees and crawl to me!" 

After about a minute, I heard her sweet voice. "Sir, can you fuck me while I'm on my back? Your body is so beautiful and I really want to see it while you are fucking me." My vanity couldn't resist that request and I pulled out and flipped her around.

"Do you want my whole body?" she asked.

I pinned her wrists above her head and began to pound away again. "Yes, I want your whole body. I want every inch of it and I'm going to take it!" 

She looked me straight in the eye and began to mumble some sort of weird rhythmic chant. 

Suddenly, I felt dizzy. Very dizzy and disoriented. I felt as though I was floating in the room. It was like nothing I had ever experienced. After a few seconds, I realized I was on my back and thought we must have flipped over, but as I gained back my senses I knew something was terribly wrong. My wrists were pinned above my head and the body on top of me was heavy and held me completely secure. I opened my eyes to see my own face staring back at me from above and my face had a huge grin.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not a good person. I will not explain how I ended up in the body of this Jamaican girl, so you have to put up with it. It just happened." he said simply.

"It took me 9 months to get a green card to come to the United States. You wouldn't believe what I had to do to get the card! It's a good thing you won't remember that stuff. It's strange what happens after the change. You will remember your entire life before the change forever. This is kind of cruel for you because you will remember everything you had and were. However, you won't remember much of anything from Shayna like her family or specific events that happened to her. You will, however, remember things like PIN numbers and passwords and you will be able to perform tasks like putting on your makeup without a hitch. It's strange how that works. I will be able to access all of your accounts and use all of your money. There will be times when something happens and you will get a feeling that it has happened before like Deja Vu. If you see someone or go to a place that was personal to the body before, you will know it. For instance, if you went back to Jamaica you would get a lot of these feelings.

I listened while I continued to sob. I kept waiting for the part when I was told this was all a joke.

Anyway, just so you know you are on Green Card probation. The immigration officer in charge of your status is a real asshole. I spurned his advances and it really pissed him off. You have to work or be in school to maintain your status and not get sent back to Jamaica and that asshole is out to get you. He is constantly checking to make sure you have a job. You have a shift at your job tonight and I would make sure you were there."

With horror I remember that she was a waitress. I couldn't be seen like this and serve food like a servant!

"Please, you have to change me back. You don't want to be me! I will find you someone better." My voice was so horribly girly. I hated it.

He laughed. "No, your body is perfect. It's handsome, fit, healthy and you are rich. I think I'm going to keep this one for a long time. Unfortunately for you, I can't change back to a body I've already possessed. I've tried it many times...it doesn't work. Besides, I can't change for at least a year without risking serious mental health issues. I've found that out the hard way. That's why I've been Shayna for 18 months. I much prefer the bodies of men, but I was forced into being her for a while. Fortunately for you I spent the time finding a way out of Jamaica!"

"Why did you do this to me?" I weeped.

"Well first of all because you were rich, handsome and fit. But also because I enjoy doing this to assholes. You were so arrogant and full of yourself. I'm giving you the gift of humility. " he said with a huge grin. "It's not going to be easy for you. Now, hurry and get dressed. I have a lot of work to do. I need to change all of your passwords and take over your life. You will remember all of Shayna's passwords...not that there is much money in your accounts. You have a negative balance in your checking account and a hell of a credit card bill coming. If I were you, I would pick up some extra shifts at work."

I looked at the tiny pile of Shayna's clothes on the chair.

"Now put on your clothes before I send you into the hall naked! Here are other clothes that will not be so provocative" he commanded and smiled.

I started with the soft little thong. It felt really strange as it disappeared into butt crack. Every movement caused by big ass and tits to shake a bit and I started to cry again. This was really happening. I put the bra on like a pro...I really was remembering the every day girl things. It pushed my already very firm breasts together and higher. I knew it was designed to display them. The tiny denim shorts were very difficult to get over my thighs and onto my ass. I looked up to see my old self watching me with amusement as he put his suit back on. I almost fell down but the soft stretchy fabric finally molded itself over my big ass covering it completely...although just barely. The shirt was almost as difficult but it finally slid over my huge breasts ending just above my belly button. Finally, I slid on the high heeled sandals.

"You are a sight to behold, Shayna. I've forgotten how good you look from outside eyes. Now off you go." he said pointing at the door and don't forget your purse.

"Please don't make me go out like this!" I begged.

"Like what? Like an 18 year old girl who needs to use her body as a tool to get through this cruel world? That's what you are now. Oh, by the way, you are 18, but I had your age changed on your documents to 21 so it would be easier to find work. The USA thinks you are 21. Now leave before I take your bra and panties and make you travel home with your nipples and camel toe showing."

I walked slowly to the door sobbing and terrified to leave the room.

He opened the door and slapped me on the ass sending me into the hall. "If you are not out of this hotel in 2 minutes I will call security. I'll accuse you of theft and you will arrested and probably sent back to Jamaica. Have a great life, Shayna." The last thing I saw of my old self was an arrogant smile as the door shut in my face.

The hall was completely empty and I hit the elevator button praying no one was in it. I felt so small, weak and vulnerable. The elevator chimed and opened to two large men in suits. I hesitated and one of the men said condescendingly. "Come on in honey. We aren't going to bite."

"Thank you." I said softly and walked in. My head barely reached the top of their chests, even with my heels. The ride seemed to last forever. I knew they were staring directly at my ass and I felt humiliated and exposed. As soon as the elevator opened, I walked briskly out of the hotel and onto the street. I could walk easily in heels...another thing retained in my new body. I could see the men stare at me in the crowded hotel lobby but I ignored them and walked onto the street. I opened my purse and thanked god that I had a smart phone. I looked up my address on my driver's license and saw that I was a full 6 miles away. Fuck. I thought. Too far to walk in heels. Especially when I didn't know about the neighborhoods I would have to get through. One more look in the purse and I discovered a metro card. For the first time in my life, I would be taking a bus.

The ride home involved a transfer and took 45 minutes. Home was in a sketchy neighborhood. Not terrible, but not one I would have ever visited before. I remembered the key code to get in the building and found the apartment on the third floor and I opened the door to discover that my new home was a 25 square meters studio. Smaller than my old bathroom back in New York.

I dead bolted the door behind me and finally I was alone. I collapsed on the couch and cried my eyes out. Everything was gone. My very body had been stolen from me and I was left in a tiny, weak, vulnerable, black girl's body.

My face was so young and innocent and really unbelievably beautiful. My skin was very smooth and chocolate brown. I took off my shirt and bra and looked at the set of tits which would define me for the rest of my life. They were very large on my body...huge, firm and perfectly shaped. I put my hands on them and realized just how big they were. My hands looked tiny on them, but touching them felt amazing. I shook a little bit with fear as I pulled the shorts and panties from my body. I had been avoiding even the thought of what was gone, but seeing it for the first time sent me into a crying fit again. Seeing just a smooth, little set of pussy lips and nothing else was heartbreaking. I wouldn't have wanted a cock on this sexy, little body but the loss of it was like a dagger. I laid down on the bathroom floor and cried some more.

Finally, I realized just how hungry I was and began to look around. Her refrigerator was completely empty except for some skim milk and a pint of vodka. Although, the vodka sounded good I drank an entire half gallon of milk and searched some more. Other than some stale crackers, there was nothing. I checked her checking account on the cheap little Google computer she owned and it contained negative 34 cents. She really had left me completely fucked. My situation was dire. The last thing I wanted to do was to go into public as a black girl with a humiliatingly sexual body, but I might not have a choice for now. I looked around the apartment for some indication of where I worked. Maybe I could hide my body and just get through a few nights until I found something I could do to work in the apartment and stay out of public view.

Her papers were disorganized but in one pile. I went through overdue Electric bills, gas bills, credit card statements before I found it...a pay stub. At first it didn't compute and then it made me light headed as I realized what I was looking at. Her pay stub clearly said "Hooters."

Still not convinced I rushed over to her dresser and searched through. The first draw was full of lingerie but in the second I found them. The little orange shorts and the tiny low cut t-shirts. Shayna worked as a Hooter's girl. She wasn't just a waitress, she was a waitress in the single most humiliating establishment short of a strip club that a girl could work at. On top of the pile of tiny orange shorts was a note.

"Dear Shayna. Enjoy your job. :) Your shift begins at 5:30. Don't be late."

That fucking bitch, I thought. I slid down to the floor and plopped onto my big ass again with the tears once again pouring from my eyes. I had grown up privileged and had never had a difficult job. As a matter of fact, I didn't work a single day before I had graduated from Princeton and started to work at the financial company in New York. The thought of working a menial job like waitress was nauseating, but the thought of doing it as a black girl with a curvaceous body popping out of a revealing outfit was too much to bear.

There had to be some way out of it. I looked through her papers again and found several credit card bills that showed I was over the limit and overdue on paying the minimum payment. I also found a letter from the INS confirming what Shayna had told me...the letter demanded a copy of a pay stub and the signature of my boss at the restaurant.



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