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Stephen Warren is a 35-year-old television man. He had his evening program, to which he invited different stars, joked and discussed various topics. He was successful with his show and is now being shown live.
That evening he had a guest who was sensational on the Internet and on YouTube the magician, as he called himself, the dark Hagrid
"So Dark Hagrid, call you that?" Stephen smiled and spoke to his guest, who had just come
Dark Hagrid looked at him without a smile and said
"And you say that you are a magician? And why are they dark? And why is Hagrid?"
"It does not matter"
Hagrid looked at the hall and at Stephen. For some reason everyone laughed after the question
"Why does everyone laugh? Why did everyone laugh after you asked me if I was a magician or not?" Hagrid was getting angry
"Oh, no, I'm sorry if you offended me, but you yourself know that there is no magic and therefore we would like to know how you do all these tricks?"
"Tricks ?! These are not tricks! This is magic! I'm not going to prove anything to you."
"Oh, good, good, magic. But maybe then still show us what you can?"
Hagrid was already angry and wanted to leave this show, but decided to linger. He looked at Stephen and smiled.
"Well, if you insist."
Hagrid clapped his hands. It was his signature gesture. Stephen saw that nothing had happened and decided to joke. He clapped his hands too.
"See! I can do that too! Duck what did you do?"
"And you look at your feet"
Stephen looked down and saw that he was without shoes. He was a little scared, but still decided to pretend that everything was planned
"Yes indeed! You left me without shoes! How did you do this? I remember what would be in shoes! And why are high-heeled shoes here? I'm still a man."
Hall sighed in surprise
"Are you sure?"
"Well, of course, I've been a man all my life and now a man"
"What is your name?"
“My name is Stephen Warren and this is the evening shock of Stephen Warren,” he turned to the camera and smiled. At that moment, the audience laughed and Stephen heard a voice in his earpiece.
"Laura, what are you doing? Who is Stephen Warren? Are these your jokes?" 

 "Laura, what are you doing? Who is Stephen Warren? Are these your jokes?"
And at that moment, Stephen accurately felt the braids of his bra under his shirt and the tight thong that were instead of his underpants. He made a foot motion and made sure that between his legs he was now empty. His heart was beating faster, but there was a live broadcast and he could not take risks.
Stephen continued to smile and turned back to Hagrid. Dark Hagrid looked at Laura (Stephen) and smiled. At that moment, Stephen realized that Hagrid was indeed a magician. He needed to somehow get his body back. Dark Hagrid started talking
"You see, Laura Jones, you think now that you were a man. Right?"
Stephen had to think very quickly and find a compromise. He remembered that the basis of his joke was that Hagrid was just a magician and he automatically continued this line
"Hagrid, what a foolish thing. I was just joking. I saw that you clapped your hands and I ended up without shoes. Wow."
Hagrid stopped smiling and became angry again
"So it is! Well, good!"
Hagrid again clapped his hands. Stephen still looked at Hagrid, but this time more carefully and seriously. Stephen continued to smile, but in his heart he hoped that Hagrid would not do worse. After Hagrid clapped his hands, Stephen again noticed nothing. Dark Hagrid looked at him and this time he smiled even more.
Stephen started
"What is it this time?" Stephen marveled at how high his voice sounded. He felt something touching his shoulders as if they were naked. He looked at them and indeed! Now he had long blonde hair.
Instead of his business jacket and shirt, in which he usually led the show, he now wore a frank top that looked more like a bra. It was disgusting in pink and white stripes and most importantly, it definitely had female breasts, its female breasts! She was hairless and his body was clearly much smaller and very thin. Instead of pants, he now had a very very short skirt and the audience, especially in the front rows, could even see his white thong.
He wore long white socks and extremely high-heeled shoes!
He looked at Hagrid again, no longer smiling. He made a pointing gesture with his hand towards Hagrid and already wanted to ask a question, but noticed that in his hand there was some kind of ridiculous butterfly on a stick. This complemented his strange image. At that moment, a male voice spoke behind him.
"So, our guest was the model Lira Jones, say goodbye, and Laura, thanks for the evening"
Stephen turned to his voice and saw himself. He looked at him motionlessly.
"Laura is clearly not going to leave. Laura, I do not want to insist, but we have the next guest"
Stephen turned back to Hagrid, who by then had already disappeared as if he had never been here. At that moment, the video camera was shooting a different view and two security guards approached him, who took his hands and politely asked him to leave the set. 

 The fact that Stephen was shocked means nothing to say. What happened now cannot be explained logically.
He was taken out by the security guards of the television show, which he invented and had been conducting for several years. He stood in front of the door in huge heels, not knowing how to walk in such shoes at all. His clothes were very sexy and inappropriate for any girl. And most importantly, he had a female body and someone else was now transmitting it. More precisely, the other thought that he was Stephen now, but Stephen knew the truth.
This is all dark Hagrid. Now Stephen believed in magic. He had to find Hagrid and it was not difficult because Hagrid was a celebrity. Stephen wanted to take a phone and search the Internet, but he just realized that his outfit had no pockets and he did not have a handbag or something like that. At that moment, someone touched his shoulder
"Honey, why are you standing here and not coming to me?"
It was Laura Jones's lover and at the same time her boss at a modeling agency, thanks to which she got on the evening show of Stephen Warren
Stephen (Laura) looked at Michael in surprise and did not answer. Michael took the hand of Stephen (Laura) and calmly led her outside to his car.
"What is wrong with you, have you forgotten how to walk in heels? Maybe then you can take them off?"
"Exactly!" as if in a dream Stephen said and took off those terrible shoes
A mounth later
Stephen walked the catwalk in one of the humiliating outfits that he was once again given to wear at this modeling agency. He had to quickly learn how to walk in heels correctly as a model, otherwise he could be fired, despite the fact that Laura was in a relationship with Michael, the director of the agency. All the same, he had to at least somehow carry out this terrible shameful work. Stephen really missed his show, but he could not return to television. Laura did not have an education, she was 23 years old and she was engaged in modeling business since she was 14 years old, she did not even graduate from school and Stephen soon realized this after he saw how he was writing. It was terrible, he could not believe that he had become so illiterate, and his speech ... He could not speak as smartly as before ...
The only thing that reminded him of his old life was his face. Hagrid did not change his male face with his angular shapes and eyebrows. It was doubly strange and unpleasant. No makeup could hide the fact that Stephen remembered himself while looking in the mirror.
He walked smoothly and tried not to look at anyone as usual, but suddenly his eyes noticed a familiar face in the crowd. Right! It was Hagrid! But Stephen could not return to the place on the podium, he was already returning and now had a chance to see him only in a different outfit.
Of course, first of all, Stephen, as soon as he returned home, by the way he lived here with Michael too and soon he had to find out all the details, but at first he began to search for information about Hagrid, but could not find anything! As if there had never been a man like Dark Hagrid! Stephen was desperate, but he did not lose hope. He sensibly appreciated his new life and realized that he had better not lose what is now
Stephen took off his pink dress, but the fashion designer was already approaching him.
"Laura, you can take your time, this is the last for today"
Stephen realized that he had lost the chance to see Hagrid again. He could not go to the people, because he could lose his job because of this and could no longer go on the podium. 


 Two months have passed since that ill-fated show.
Stephen sat in the dressing room and makeup artists made another look for Laura, in which she was supposed to be on the catwalk today. In today's fashion show, all models should be with magnificent hairstyles - this is the requirement of the fashion designer with whom the contract was concluded.
Stephen sat quietly and thought his own. Finally they finished and Stephen looked up and saw himself in the mirror
"Everything, Laura, you can go, please call Angelica"
Stephen could not stand it
"Fuck it! Fuck it!" With his new voice this sounded frivolous, but meanwhile his mood was very serious
"What's wrong with you Laura? Don't you like it?"
"Are you kidding ?! I look like some kind of mini version of Peggy Bundy from the series married with children! No! That's it! I can't do this anymore!"
He tried to smooth his hair, but only made it worse. Finally Stephen just got up and left the dressing room, slamming the door loudly
He could not stand it anymore. This is not his life! He hoped and expected that he could find Dark Hagrid and he would change him back, but all his attempts were without results. But he had to live as a model of the catwalk and the worst thing was that he needed to pretend that he liked it and live with this Michael, and not only live, now he didn’t even want to remember everything that had happened during these two months.
The sonorous sound of heels filled the empty corridor of the modeling agency. But the stomp of men's shoes was also heard. It was clear that the girl was trying to leave quickly and a man was catching up with her.
"Laura! Laura! Don’t leave! What is the matter with you today? This is not good, but if necessary, you can make an exception today. You can rest and not work."
"Fuck it! Fuck this podium! Fuck you Michael! That's it! I don’t take part in this anymore!"
"What's wrong with you!?"
"Leave me alone!"
The door slammed loudly and the girl went outside

Stephen slammed the next door and went outside. He was already used to walking in heels and so he walked quickly. On the street, as luck would have it, the sun, although now it would be better to have rainy weather.

Stephen sent the hell out of it. He could no longer play this stupid role of Laura, not live his life. It was a punishment, but he could not understand why. For joking with dark Hagrid ?! But this is so stupid. Stephen lost his ability to speak beautifully and joke. He could not write normally and actually did not know much that he knew before. He had no education! He could only walk beautifully on the catwalk.

But all this terribly got him! To maintain his figure, he practically didn’t eat anything. He lived with Laura’s boyfriend and had no home of his own! He came to sleep with this guy and pretend that he likes it. And these ridiculous outfits that every fashion show made him wear. Each time he looked in the mirror, he saw his old face, but with this body ...

He could not stand it. He sent everything to hell. Logic suggested that he should leave everything, that if he quit the modeling business, he would not be able to find a job with the same salary and standard of living. He understood that many girls dream of such a life. But for Stephen, it was hell. He never considered the work of models interesting and even more prestigious. He always treated them as some kind of secondary work. And now every day he was told how important all this is.


"Laura, you ungrateful bitch! Well, get out!"

Michael shouted at his girlfriend

"Well, I’ll leave! I! Only! I’ll change clothes! And! I’ll take off! This! Horrible! Clothes!" girls expulsively simala clothes off

"No more models! No humiliation! No sex with you!"

She screamed and looked for suitable clothes to leave this house. She didn’t even take with her anything but documents and a pair of credit cards


Stephen got rid of these women's outfits as much as possible. He did not think about the future, he only wanted to leave faster and change this life. The only thing he found and wanted to wear at that moment was more like a dark green pajamas. To Michael's surprise, Steven put on these clothes and left the apartment, once again slamming the door!

He went outside and caught a taxi to the nearest motel.


The nearest hotel that was nearby was a roadside motel. In a taxi, Stephen began to understand the recklessness of the act. He opened the wallet that was in his purse and saw that there were only a few dollars and two credit cards. He did not think about it at all! He had no money! Steven angrily clenched his fist and gave the money to the taxi driver, and at the motel he paid with a credit card.

When he paid with his card and came to his room, the first thing he did was take a shower and lay down in bed. It was necessary to somehow relieve stress. For some reason, after that, he calmed down and sat on the floor, wrapped in a blanket. Long hair touched his shoulders. and the chest was covered with a blanket. So strange, Stephen calmed down and everything seemed to suit him at that time. He no longer worried, although it was worth it. He did not have money and the only income, what he knew now, he lost.


Stephen once again in these two months examining his new body. His gaze fixed on his feet. They were so thin and searching, without a single hair, smooth. He could not accept to the end that it was now his body. It always seemed to him, or rather, he was sure that this was only temporary. But two months have already passed and ... And now he was sitting in a cheap hotel room, without money and without work. He decided that he would work as a waitress or in another job, but was sure that everything would be fine


Another two months have passed


This was the first day Laura worked with Big Tony, a local criminal authority and part-time owner of the brothel. Laura was not a find for Tony; for her, she even had to be asked to give her this work. She came to him hungry and in some ragged clothes. More precisely, it was his guys who found her somewhere in the park on a bench. One of them found out that this model girl was on the Stephen Warren show and brought her to Tony. Little Mickey was a fan of the Steven Warren show and knew many guests and of course he recognized Laura, although she was in such a strange way. Mickey brought her to Tony and asked for help.

Laura was washed, fed, given her a good night's sleep, and signed a standard agreement with her on which she had to pay Tony 50 percent of her salary.


Stephen was delirious. These two months after he left the modeling agency did worse. He realized that he was completely numb. He was sure that he could live a normal life, but he could not even cope with the simple work of a waitress. He could not remember the tables and orders, but that which he wrote down in a notebook either lost or confused orders. Other jobs had the same fate, in the end he ended up in the park, alone, without money and without housing and food. There he was found by this guy who led him to this mafia. They gave him food, a bed and new clothes. It was so cool! Stephen did not expect such small things to be so cool in life! He signed some papers without reading.

That was a week ago, and a couple of days ago he was told that he needed to work. At first, Stephen was delighted, but then he realized what kind of work he had to do. He remembered the papers and the fact that he now owed some money to Tony.


Laura stood alone near the road. This place was one of the most popular with Big Tony, there was always a demand for girls and therefore he decided to immediately send Laura there.

Her long hair touched her shoulders, she wore a dark top with an open belly, short denim shorts and of course high-heeled shoes. Tony himself personally chose clothes for her, when he found out that he had a former model and a star, he paid special attention to Laura

She stood looking down and holding her hands together. She was afraid. She recalled her past life and how it happened. It seemed that all this was not with her, it seemed that she had never been a successful man, Stephen Warren, and all this was just her fantasies, especially since Stephen Warren was still conducting his evening program. A tear rolled down her cheek


Laura stood in front of the mirror and examined herself and her new hairstyle. This hairstyle was done by one of the girls of the big Tony, Margarita. Margarita was once a hairdresser and an excellent makeup artist, but life dictates its own rules and she also appeared with Big Tony

It was already the fourth month of Laura’s work on Big Tony. She was able to adapt. In the end, she got a bed for sleeping, she had money for food ... She wanted to go back to Michael, a month after working with Tony, but Michael already knew who and who Laura was working for. He did not even let her into the house and did not talk to her! That evening, Laura realized that she was making mistake after mistake and decided once and for all not to argue with fate anymore!

Today was the evening of Big Tony. He had it and he wanted her to be in the image of a famous model. He found one of the images in which Laura was at a fashion show and asked to prepare her.

Laura looked in the mirror and recalled the day when she also sat in front of the mirror with the same haircut. This was the second week after the dark Hagrid changed her life. Then she still did not take her female body for granted, she thought that this was all temporary. She remembered how she hated all this modeling agency. Then she thought that this hairstyle and this catwalk is the worst thing that could happen to her

But now she looked in the same face with the same haircut and realized that she was then very mistaken. Everything has changed so much in her life. The mirror had the same face as that show, the same hairstyle, the same makeup, the same body. But then she wore an elegant dress, and now she was standing in some old T-shirt, in a cheap bra and in a bathrobe. It was so symbolic as if the clothes showed her standard of living then and now


Hagrid, after the transfer of Stephen Warren, did not think that Stephen would go down the social ladder like that. He left him fame and the opportunity to live on almost the same life. Hagrid understood then in that program that he would never be believed in this world. He was not an evil person, but he did not like Stephen and his jokes and he did it under emotions. Then he watched Steven's life. He wanted to help him, maybe even change him back, but it was powerful magic. This can be done with a person only once in a lifetime.

When Hagrid found out that Stephen left the modeling agency, he first wanted to find him, but could not. Hagrid cast a spell so that Stephen in life as Laura could always find shelter, food and money. Thanks to this spell, Laura will always find a way to live, as it was then in the park. Any accident will happen and they will help her.



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