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My name is Brian Johnson, I’m a trucker for 45 years ... More precisely, that was my name until I met this strange woman whom I met along the way and decided to give a ride ... My whole life changed in a few minutes with her ...


I stopped my big truck near the girl who was waiting for a ride on the highway. She was short, dressed in a blue denim skirt and a gray sweater, and had low-heeled shoes on her feet. It was not hot outside, I was sure that she was not just looking for a car here.

"Hi, beauty, climb in, give a ride! Are we on the way?"

The girl smiled at me and nodded her head. Only now I saw that she was Asian, but that was not so important. We went and I tried to speak, but she was silent

“Listen, if you keep silent, I’ll send you away. Where are you going?”

She looked at me and finally said

"What's your name?" She spoke with a strong accent, but I understood her.

"Finally! I'm Brown, and you?"

"It's not that important, Mr. Brian, I'm just ... It's just the first time I'm going ... like this ... do you understand?"

I did not know what to answer, and decided to joke

"Oh, girl, you are so young, beautiful and so sad. I would give everything to be in your place. Stop being sad!"

She looked at me again and smiled.

"You said you would give everything? Aren't you kidding?"

She was in a better mood and I continued

"Well of course dear!"

She took out some trinket from her pocket and asked me to take

"Hey, you see, I'm driving, I can’t take it. What is it and why do I need it?"

"Mr. Brown, this is a souvenir from my homeland. He fulfills his wishes. You said that you would give everything to be in my place. I would also like to be you. Please say it again."

It was already somehow strange, but I repeated

"Yes, of course, you are young, beautiful, you have your whole life ahead ... Yes, I would like to be in your place, but I don’t understand why you are asking me to say it again"


Once again I looked at her, but instead of the girl, there was now a big man, about 45-50 years old, with a beard, in a cap and clothes similar to mine.

"What the hell?" I said and noticed that my voice was somehow different and with a strong Asian accent, like my ... hands and steering wheel! The wheel has become so huge, I do not know how I held it! My hands seemed a lot smaller! I looked down and saw that I was wearing a denim skirt, the same as this girl and the same jacket.

"Well then, Betsy, please stop my truck and we will reach the parking lot."

I heard this voice and turned my head again. In shock, I hit the brake and got out of the car. While I got out of the car, I noticed movement on my chest, which should not be like that. I examined myself and could not believe, somehow my body and clothes changed!

A man came up and asked me to get back into the car

"What the hell ?! Who are you ?! Where is that girl ?! Why am I a girl ?!"

I screamed frantically

"Betsy, what's wrong with you ?! I gave you a taxi and in return you promised to give me a blowjob at a nearby parking lot, and now you are acting like a hysterical woman. I did my part! You said you didn’t need money and only wanted to steer! And Now!"

I did not believe him and only shouted and argued even more! In the end, he drove away in my car and left me here, alone on the track without documents. I did not understand who I was and what really happened!



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