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There are other image variations that I think are appropriate for this story.

It was the semi-final of the basketball super league and the audience was full of spectators. Among the many spectators in the front rows, almost near the baseball field itself, there were mainly VIPs, including Stan Jackson, who did not particularly like basketball. You could say I didn’t like it, but these tickets were presented to him and he couldn’t refuse. And now he had to come to this match.

It was already the middle of the game, the stands were screaming, the players were fighting for the ball, in a word the match was very tense, but Wall was bored, he did not understand the hype and looked at the phone screen from time to time looking at what was happening around and for a while, waiting for the end of the game.

Once again, he looked up and saw the ball bounce off the player and quickly flies in his direction. Stan did not have time to turn away and the ball hit him in the head. Sharp pain and darkness in his eyes, this is the last thing he remembered.

Suddenly he saw himself from the side. He was in the air, soaring over his body. It seemed impossible, but somehow his spirit went out of the body and he saw now how his body fell over on the back of the chair like that. However, from the side it seemed as if he had simply fallen asleep and no one had approached him, because everyone was too keen on the game, including his neighbors.

Stan steamed and tried to realize what had happened. Now he was in the form of spirit and realized it. He decided that this was some kind of dream and that it was all unrealistic and the more he didn’t want to come back to this boring match.

Stan flew out of this noisy place and turned out to be soaring in the air already on the street. Whether it was a dream or not, this flight pleased him, and it was a very interesting new experience, more interesting than sitting on a basketball game.

Stan flew like this for several minutes, or maybe ten minutes, he did not notice the time. He flew into apartments, into shops through walls and windows. Nobody noticed him.

In one of the apartments, a very large apartment, he discovered a porn studio, apparently illegal, because it was an unremarkable apartment, and the actors and the crew were a bit strange. Firstly, they had cheap equipment, secondly, the director was some poorly dressed and dirty man, and thirdly, the actors. A male actor is some kind of Mexican amigo who speaks poor English. The only decoration of all this spectacle was this porn actress. It was an Asian girl with a magnificent ass and breasts of the third or fourth size. Her face showed that she came here only because of money and possibly because of the threat of deportation. She certainly did not enjoy the process and apparently she also knew very poorly English.

Stan hung over them and watched. Suddenly, right during a scene with anal penetration, when the girl was standing in a canine position, she hit her head against the wall. Her eyes closed, but she remained in the same position. None of the staff noticed this, everyone thought that she just closed her eyes. But Stan realized that she had lost consciousness, firstly because he saw it, and secondly because he saw her spirit suddenly leave her body.

Stan also hovered in the air and was now observing how the girl’s spirit was trying to understand how he himself once had what happened to him. Literally a few seconds passed, the girl’s spirit turned his face in his direction and Stan saw the surprised face of the same girl, whose body was now fucked below.

The girl hung in the air for a second thinking about something, and soon went to Stan. He instantly appeared beside him, grabbed him by the shoulder and began to carry him to her body by force. Stan didn’t resist; in his opinion, all this seemed too unrealistic to him. A second later, the spirit of the wall pushed the girl into the spirit of her former body.

Again Stan felt this aching feeling and pain in his head, darkness and all the same that was on the basketball court. Stan wanted to open his eyes, but his head still hurt too much, the last thing he remembered was that he was sitting on the front row in this stupid basketball game, that he was bored and played on the phone, then he decided to look at what going on there and saw how a basketball flies in his direction. Therefore emptiness. Apparently he lost consciousness.

But something was wrong. Something was completely wrong and a few seconds later Stan realized this. According to the sensations, he realized that he was more precisely sitting in his chair, but standing on all fours and he clearly felt that there was something in his ass, or rather it was something big and clearly foreign, which should not be there. His first thought was absurd, but close to reality. He thought that while he was unconscious he was carried away to some room and some gay fucks him.

Finally he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw were his hands. More precisely, it was not his hands. His hands were always large and hairy, now he saw smooth skin without hair and very slender thin hands, and on his fingers was a neat make-up with a delicate blue varnish.

Stan did not think about it, because what was behind was more important. He tried to get up, but someone's strong hand brought him back and said something in a language he did not understand.

"这 是 怎么 回事?!" (Zhè shì zěnme huí shì ?! - What's going on here ?!) - Stan said, and suddenly there was another surprise from his new voice and new accent. He spoke Chinese and understood this, his voice was clearly higher than before.

Finally, he drew attention to the fact that his chest somehow strangely pulls down and constantly hangs and sways from all this movement and looked down. Stan saw two impressive boobs that now hung from his chest.

At one point, Stan remembered how he was a spirit and that the spirit of this girl pushed him into this body. Everything happened too quickly, he had to somehow get out of at least this position.

But before he could think about it, he heard a scream from behind and noticed that he was now free. Apparently the one who was behind finished and Stan was finally able to get up.

Leaving the dog position, Stan was finally able to more consciously inspect everything around. It was the same rooms, the same people who were in his dream, which turned out to be not a dream at all.

Stan felt how a strand of long hair touched his shoulder, as the weight on his chest still pulled and dangled unusually from behind. His heart was racing, he wanted to go back, but did not understand how to do it, finally he said

"这 是 什么 你 是 谁 我 是 谁" (Zhè shì shénme nǐ shì shéi wǒ shì shéi - What is here? Who are you? Who am I?)

The director just looked at him and said:

"I don’t understand what you mean, but I already paid you the money, so shut up and get ready for the next take."

But Stan didn't understand anything



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