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"Oh god, this program worked! I can't believe I really am a woman now! It's unbelievable!"

Lewis examined his body. His heart seemed now to pop out of his chest, which now, like his whole body, had very feminine features. He definitely felt that all this was real, his long hair partially obscured him, especially when he leaned down to look down and saw that he was wearing a short tight skirt and pantyhose, and heeled shoes on his feet. He felt that under his jacket and a blouse on his shoulders were straps from a bra and they clearly supported his new boobs.

All this seemed absurd and unrealistic, but it was here and now, it was hard to believe that it was a dream.

This program, or rather the message that got into the spam filter interested him. Llis sometimes looked for a laugh that comes to spam.

"Try yourself in a different role!"

This was the name of the letter and the link to the site. He went through safe mode and thought that even if the virus is not scary, because the computer was for work purposes and if something, then they will give him a new one. It was a business trip and he was in a hotel room. It was only necessary to work tomorrow and then he wanted to write a couple more letters, but he was distracted by this spam in order to take a break from work. As a top manager, he often went on business trips.

Everything was simple on the site, it was proposed to select the parameters and click the "ok" button. Lewis did not think long, but more for fun chose the following random paramters and clicked "ok"

Ecoration appeared on the screen and after that a small flash of light dazzled him a little. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the following on the monitor

"Congratulations, the parameters for your request have been applied:

Female gender, age 43, unmarried, journalist "

Lewis put his hand to the keyboard and saw that it is now a little smaller and with a red bright manicure


"Oh god, this program worked! I can't believe I really am a woman now! It's unbelievable!"

After some time, he realized that it really worked, but he did not want to change his life

Lewis reopened the site, this time he was very worried, he was cracking and he was afraid. He could not find the cancel button and carefully read what was written there. Finally, he saw a link to the agreement, which he agreed to by clicking OK and decided to read it.

The main thing is that he found there that this program changes reality so that it fits the parameters. He was on a business trip and in a hotel room. He stayed at the hotel, but now only as a 43-year-old woman is a journalist on a business trip.

He could not believe it and took out his phone, there was not a single name he knew, besides the phone was clearly not his old one, like all his documents.

He returned to the site and began to look for other options. He wanted to regenerate the life of a top manager’s man, but when he clicked “ok”, the program wrote “error, try later” every time

He was completely desperate, but found a FAQ section on the site.

In the section there was information that generated at least 24 hours. It is possible to upgrade, to do this, click on this link

Lewis immediately clicked

"in order to upgrade, select a category"

This was not what he expected, and what the hell category was that? (of course, if he had carefully read the site, he would have understood everything). Lewis thought and out of all the categories he chose "work." He thought that maybe it would be better than just magazines.

Again a flash of light and he reopened his eyes.

Now he was not in a business women's suit, now he was wearing a pink dress and everything became too sweet.

Suddenly a man in a hotel robe came out of the bathroom and looked at Lewis in bewilderment.

"What are you doing with my computer? Did I let you touch it?"

Lewis was in shock, he looked at the monitor screen and saw the inscription

"Congratulations, your work has changed to Call Girl, happily."

While he thought, a man grabbed his hand and led him to bed

"I didn’t call you a dumb whore!"



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