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After two years of living in a Turkish brothel, the FBI finally got in touch with Francesca.

Michael was still hoping and believing, and finally it hung. He found a way to escape for a while from Ibrahim - his master.

Now he was walking into this strange house that his friends from the FBI had told him to come to.

Some Turkish man met him in the room.

"Hello Francesca, do you know Michael?"

Michael was delighted; he had not heard his name for a very long time. Of course, of course he knows him.

"No, Francesca, Michael does not exist, forget it."

"What? Why, I don't believe it!"

The Turk explained to him that the project was closed three months later, immediately after he was sent to a Turkish brothel. He said that Michael’s body was destroyed and he was stuck in this body forever. He said that they can only help him escape from Turkey to Italy, not to America, because he is a citizen of Italy. But he will have to live more carefully so that the people of Marconi will not find him.

Michael shouted and was angry, but could not do anything.

The Turk looked at him, smiled and added

"And you know, Francesca, I can say that I did not find you ... But we can agree, you have a beautiful body, maybe you will do your work for the last time?"

Michael looked at him in horror. He understood everything, reluctantly he began to take off his clothes



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