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I made two different versions of this story, but I can't decide which one is better. Therefore there will be two

Part 1 -  https://www.deviantart.com/vfrcbvvfrcbv/art/Back-to-Nigeria-808189692 

- Listen, Jenny, you understand that I'm not Afia. This is some kind of magic of your mother. You are welcome!

- Yes, of course, Afia, I remember that you are my old friend, but I don’t even remember your name. This is a special magic. I remember that you need to hide. Do not worry. In a year you will return and mom will return everything. There is no other way out and believe me, this is the best!

- Jenny ... Good.

- Afia, mom will take you to the airport, see you in a year!

Jenny hugged Stephen (Afia) and said goodbye


On the way to the airport, mom gave Steven a note and asked to open it on the plane.

Stephen did as she asked, he was afraid of her.

At the airport, he was afraid that his old face would be recognized, although from every minute he was sure not. He said goodbye to Jenny's mom and went uncertainly on his heels and in this sexy dress to the plane. He still thought that it was some kind of dream, but his chest and all this reminded him that no. He doesn’t even have to look. His chest reminded of itself with every step.

He stood in the aisle and felt something. He could not fly away ..

- Miss Chukwumereije, please come in.

He sat in his chair and immediately opened the note.

Stephen, yes, I remember everything and I know. You did a very bad thing. I understand that my daughter loves you as a friend and wants to help a lot. But I do not approve of this. When you fly to your new home you will get another change. I don't want you back

Steven's heart began to beat. He wanted to leave, but the plane had already begun to take off.


In Nigeria, Stephen learned that he lives in a poor family and that he was in America is a very big fortuity. When he asked about the trip a year later, everyone laughed.

In the morning he woke up and realized that his chest became even bigger! He went to the mirror and noticed that his face had also changed now! Now he has become Masozi Chukwumereije.


He was able to find the phone and found Jenny on facebook. He wrote to her that her mom made another change and sent a photo

“Miss, I don't know you.”

Stephen wanted to write more, but he was added to the blacklist



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