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Taking deep breaths, she looked through the glass walls. She felt her heart beating faster when she saw the man sitting behind the desk - Anderson Cooper. He was in a hurry, reading the documents, and talking to his subordinates. However, this is a common thing for a director and it would seem that everything is fine, if not for one “but”


- Aha, - a voice is heard behind the back, and the girl feels a slap in the ass.

- What the hell?! - she turns around.

- Don't stare at Anderson Cooper like a hungry bitch. - The man standing behind her grins. - You're new here, so let me explain: you're an intern, and that means you're going to do all the dirty work, you're going to get coffee, you're going to go get a sandwich, you're going to go take out the trash...

- I don't understand anything yet! - the girl interrupts him. - What's your name?!

- John, and I'm your supervisor.

- Well, John, I'm not going to go buy a sandwich or take the trash out. I'm going to kick your ass first for the slap. But firstlyly, I will go to the my office, and I'll figure out what the hell is going on and why there's someone in my body and I'm standing here...

John is laughing:

- Wow, girl, are you high? - he comes closer and whispers in her ear: - I'll explain everything, but first, get me a cup of coffee. And by the way, I don't like black, I drink with cream and sugar.

- Get the hell away from me, asshole! - the girl pushes him away and starts walking down the hall, but John grabs her arm.

- Listen, bitch, you're just a silly intern. You have to do what I tell you to do. So I say you go get me a cup of coffee, and not a word about the slap. Or you'll be looking for a job soon. And I will try to make sure that no one in this city will hire you. Do you understand?

The girl is angry and frustrated, but she decides not to say anything, she nods her head and walks down the hall, leaving the office.

'So, Gloria, I think I have fulfilled your wish and now we must say goodbye' quiet voice said, making the girl look around in confusion.

- What!? Gloria?! Who is tlaking?! - she shouted out loudly, drawing the attention of the others.

- Miss, are you alright? - a woman approached her, looking concerned.

- What do you mean? Did you not hear the voice?

- Voice? I didn't hear anything.

- Well, never mind, maybe I'm just imagining it. - she smiles nervously and walks past her, towards the door. 'You better not attract too much attention here unless you want to be thought of as crazy and get fired... '

- Again?! - the girl shouts out, and the people stare at her again and she whispered - Who is talking?

'It's me, Lisa. Remember?' voice sounds again. Gloria, or rather Anderson Cooper who was now a girl, remember that she made a wish a few days ago: "I wish I knew the true nature of my employees". Now, Gloria was experiencing a strange reality.

- Change me back! - she whispered to the air. - Change me back now! I want my body back.

'Sorry, but I can't do that' a quiet voice says. 'My job was to grant your wish. So I did. And I added something else from myself... you haven't made two wishes yet. '

- What do you mean?! What else have you done?!

'Oh, just some trivial things that seemed logical to me in your new situation... For better understandment of the true nature of your employees you are now a woman secretary and an intern, so you can observe them closely. Second and third wish I came up with them for you myself based on the situation. So your second wish - "I wish that nobody would know that I am not a real intern and not a real girl", and your third wish - "I wish to have an incentive to hold on to this stupid intern job.'

Gloria's eyes widen as she realizes what's happening.

- Are you crazy?!

'No, I just don't like people like you who abuse their power. So, have a nice life as a poor cheap girl without education, who previously worked as a stripper and she would be better off hiding it if she wants a chance to live a normal life. Bye-bye. Don't quarrel with your supervisor, he's an asshole and will fire you for nothing.' Lisa's voice sounded barely audible in her head, and then disappeared.

- Noooo! - the girl screams, but quickly catches herself and tries to look normal. - I'm just... just excited about my first day of work. - she looks around and realizes that everyone is looking at her and whispering. She blushes and runs down the corridor.




An incentive to keep your job. I think she would do anything. I foresee a new dress code with miniskirt and hold-ups. And she will have to improve her oral quality. :)


'I need to keep this job, I need to keep this job' the thoughts swirled in Gloria's head, as she moved her head back and forth evenly, trying to ignore the pain in her knees.