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"I told everyone to calm down and not leave this room until I get to the bottom of it." Irwin's voice echoed loudly in the class room as he spoke sternly in his hight pitched, squeaky, feminine voice. Everyone was silent for a few seconds before someone spoke up.

"Winnie, girl, don't you think that's going a bit too far?" A female student with a long pony tail and wearing a pink track suit stood up and approached Winnie, trying to put a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't touch me! I am doing my job!" She yelled. "You have to stay here, until I make sure that this illusion magic is lifted from us."

"Baby! Come here and let me hug you!" A large muscular boy got up and ran towards Winnie, but she just pointed her gun at him.

"Do not call me baby! I am a Wizard Police Officer and I am a man. This is an illusion cast by a criminal who is still hiding somewhere around here. Do not touch... hey... wh-a-tmmmmphhfgf..." Winnie was suddenly cut off, when a muscular boy picked her up and kissed her hard on her mouth.

She tried to scream, but his tongue slipped into her mouth and started playing with hers, his hands holding her face. She was kicking the air with her legs, and pulled the trigger of her pistol, which, like any other lighter, only made a clicking sound. The boy then easily lifted her up with his arms undre her ass and carried her towards a table.

"Noooooo!!! Stop!!! Don't do it!!!" Winnie screamed, when she felt the cool surface of the table on her bare skin, her skirt being pulled up. Her gaze caught the eye of one of the students behind her, who looked at her with a smile and winked, and then turned and quickly ran out the door. "Wait!! Hey!!! Don't run away!!! Stop!!!" Edwina jumped from the table and ran after the running student, leaving the classroom.

But as she ran out into the hall, she stopped and looked around in bewilderment. Illusion magic only works indoors, and Edwina was still a girl and not a policeman. And the illusion magic was not lifted. "Wh-wh-wh-what is this???" She touched her head, feeling her long hair and pulled her skirt and saw her silky, white panties "Why is the illusion magic not lifted???"

"Young lady, what are you doing?!?! Are you crazy or what???" A man's voice sounded, and she turned around and saw a policeman who looking exactly the same way as she was, when she was a man.

"Wh-why-what??? YOU! You are arrested for illegal use of magic." She said, trying found her police ID in her pocket, but the only thing she found was a schoolgirl's wallet with money and a card with her picture. "Turn off this illusion otherwise you will be..."

"Illusion?!?! Are you out of your mind, girl?!" He was loughting loudly, approaching her. "There is no illusion here, you are a pretty girl now, and a pretty slutty girl." He looked down, at her skirt and smirked.

"Don't say these dirty things to me." She said, her face blushing, her legs starting to shake, her heart beating fast. "What's going on here? Wh-why-y am I... sob." She put a hand over her eyes and started crying, unable to comprehend what was happening.

"Oh, don't cry, my dear, everything is alright, just let my magic finish what it started with your mind now and everything will be fine. Don't worry about being a cop, it was only a dream." He patted her on the head and smiled.

"W-what???" She said, looking at him, a few tears running down her face. "What do you mean by 'magic'? What are you talking about?"

"Oh, nothing, sweetheart, I'm sorry, I said something silly, don't think about it. Now-"

"NO!!! I'm not letting you escape." Winnie raised her arm and pointed her finger at him. "You are arrested for ... for using... illegal..." her thoughts were confused, although inside she knew that something was wrong. She knew something wasn't real, but what?! She couldn't figure out. She knew she was not a girl, and was not a cop, but when she looked down, at her small hands, her long hair, her short skirt, she could only conclude that she was indeed a girl, a schoolgirl.

"I'm a... sob. I'm a pretty... " she looked up at him, but policeman is gone, and instead of him, there is a tall guy which kissed her before.

"Baby, where are you running off to?! Oh... you are crying. My baby is crying. My little angel is crying." He hugged her tight, lifting her up off the floor. "Please don't cry, baby."

"Wh-wh-wh-where is the p-policeman?" She said, sniffing, and trying to wipe the tears from her face. "I'm going to... sniff, to arrest him."

"Police officer? Honey, there was no policeman, only you. Only my sweet baby." He said, his lips touching her forehead.

"Noooo." She whispered, closing her eyes, feeling how her body became weaker. "Only me... sniff."




Irwin is a little confused. :)