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"Hey dude, check this out!" said Sam, showing his friend a photo from Instagram stories. There was a picture of a young cute girl who was dressed up as an tight grey dress with large and small tits on it. She was standing in an elevator and making a selfie in the mirror, seemed to be a bit sad and lonely. She didn't pose or smiled in any way, just stood there and looked back at the camera. Her expression was almost as if she was asking to be taken away from wherever she was and brought to a better place.

"And what exactly is special about this chick? She just another dumb bitch taking selfies," said Chris narrowing his eyes and looking closer. "She seems a bit familiar though..."

"Haha! Dumb bitch?! Bro, I can't believe you said that about Jacob! I thought he was your bro," laughed Sam. "That's what I'm talking about! He is the girl in the pic!"

"What?!" Chris was surprised. "I mean, Jacob? But he is my bro! What the hell?! He said he decided to hide until all this shit with government laws ends. That's what he told me the last time we were talking in the messenger! I haven't even seen what he looks like after this shitty exchange that I think was made up. You're lying, dude! It's just a stupid chick!"

"Oh really? Look" laughed Sam and showed a short video to his friend. There were this girl and Sam and she was obviously spoke in Jacob's unmistakable manner, while also wearing the exact same clothes which Jacob wore usually.

"Holy fucking shit, dude!" yelled Chris. "What the fuck is this?! That's fucking creepy! Tell me that's some stupid prank! What the actual fuck?!"

"Dude, are you sleepwalking or something? Did you not hear the latest news? About the this 'mass hallucination' bullshit?"

"But that was a hoax, right? I mean, no one really believes it, right? It's all fucking fake news," said Chris, still shocked. "I mean... OK, if she is really Jacob, why the fuck would he do this to himself? I don't understand shit! I mean, I don't judge anyone, but I thought that Jacob is my bro, and now he doing selfies in dresses like a stupid bitch? What the fuck, man?! We are supposed to be men! Even if some bullshit like this exchange did happen, this is just wrong! I fucking drank with him, dude, and he is not gay or a trans or whatever! Ptooey!" he spit on the floor. "This is fucking disgusting! I am a straight man, I'm not gonna accept this bullshit."

"Well, if you are really a 'straight man' you will get hard from this video, won't you?" he smiled and showed the video where this girl, dressed in the sexy bunny outfit, was dancing and shaking her ass with same sad face, and in final seconds she looked back and said in Jacob maner: "Happy fucking Easter, my fucking subscribers! Fuck this stupid government and their stupid laws!" video is ended, but after couple seconds it started again as if something had been cut and re-edited "...sorry for being such a bitch lately, guys..." she looked down like she was reading something "... I'm so stupid. I'm sorry, guys, I didn't meant to be rude. Sorry" then she gave a blowkiss and waved. "Love you all!"

"You are such a bitch, Jacob. You fucking whore, you were my fucking bro, man! Now you are just a stupid slut!" screamed Chris. Then he took the phone from Sam and smashed it on the ground. "You are dead to me, bro. You are fucking dead to me!" and then he left.

"Fuck, dude!" laughed Sam and took his phone from the ground. "This is so fun, haha! But, bro, you are an idiot! Jacob is dead to you? That's such a cliché line, lol! You didn't think about the fact that he had to do it or he would be thrown into some crazy camp and get brainwashed? Dude, you are a fucking retard. And what kind of best friend are you after that? Haha! Anyway, I don't give a shit! Jacob is a bitch now and she is fucking hot, and I like how your idiot friend is now forced to deal with all what he called 'girl shit'. Hahaha!"



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