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'Ugh... fucking tight shorts. How the hell do girls wear these damn things?' Julia thought irritably, adjusting the tiny little pair of booty shorts she found in her closet. With closed eyes and a frown, the girl pulled at the fabric covering her pussy lips, trying to give her clit some room to breathe. "Ugh! I swear to god, when I turn back to normal, the first thing I'm doing is burning these stupid, fucking... ah..." The girl's tirade trailed off as she finally gave up on pulling the material away from her cunt. "Oh yeah! Fuck that's good!"

Exhaling deeply, she stared at the mirror and looked at herself. Her face was cute and pretty, framed by her long straight hair that reached almost to her lower back. Red t-shirt with Minnie Mouse, black shorts and black tights with red bows on her thighs. "Hmmm..." The girl hummed, taking a few steps back, quickly checking that the front door was closed, and after making sure of this, she took a pose. The girl bent down a little, put her finger in her mouth while other hand on her hip, and smiled at the mirror. "Hey, you, hot guy. Are you lonely? Would you like some company?" The girl's voice was teasing, almost playful, but a few seconds later the smile left her face, and her expression turned bitter.

"My God, young lady! What the hell are you doing?!" A voice rang out behind her, causing the girl to jump up and turn around in surprise. It was her foster mother, Karen, standing there, arms folded and with a stern look on her face. "K-karen! Oh, fuck, you scared me!" Julia replied, placing her hand over her rapidly beating heart. "What a mouth!" The woman exclaimed, raising an eyebrow. "You're in big trouble, missy! Come over here right now!"

"But... Karen, you're kidding, right? What the hell are you talking about? What's going on?" Julia replied, didn't understand anything. In her mind she still was a grown man, who was cursed by his ex-wife. She turned him into a young girl because she caught him cheating with a co-worker Karen. And she said that if he wants to return to normal, then he needs to have sex with someone. So yesterday he came to Karen so that she could help him. It was a difficult evening and in the end Karen believed him, allowed him to stay and even decided to help with clothes, even getting some pleasure from it and laughing at the awkwardness of the new girl. But now...

"Julia Rose Smith, I'm your mom, not Karen. And I won't allow such language from you. You will stand in the corner right now and think about what you said. You're grounded." Karen scolded, pointing at the corner.

Julia's mouth dropped open and her eyes widened in disbelief. 'Did she just call me Julia... and... Mom?!' The girl thought in shock, completely not understanding the situation, until suddenly, a terrible, horrible thought flashed through her head about her ex-wife ans her words 'don't think that everything will be so easy.'


Suddenly, Julia felt a burning sensation on her ass. "Ouch! What the fu-" The girl exclaimed, but before she could finish her curse, the hand flew again.


"Ahhhh! K-karen, wait! Stop, I'm sorry!" Julia shouted, wincing from the pain in her ass. "Mom! I'm sorry, mom!" She hurriedly corrected, feeling another slap on her ass and going to the corner, while the woman kept lecturing her:

"Now, young lady, stand here in the corner and think about your bad behavior. No dinner for you today!" Karen ordered sternly, and Julia nodded silently, biting her lip as her bottom stung. 'Fucking bitch...' She thought, her face flushing from the shame. "Yes, mom..." Julia mumbled, and heard a satisfied hum behind her back.



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