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There was a tense silence in the air. Mike, sitting on the couch, looked with a little concern at Jessica, who stood by the window and looked into the distance. He could not see her face now, only her manly back of her, now, male body.There was a tense silence in the air. Mike, sitting on the couch, looked with a little concern at Jessica, who was standing by the window and looking into the distance.

"What's wrong?" he asked finally in a soft female voice with a heavy Arabic accent.

"What is wrong?! I am woman, not a man! I don't want to be like that. I'm a woman and I want to wear dresses and high heels. I do not want to be a man anymore! Especially..." she stopped and continued after a moment of silence "especially in the Middle East"

Mike did not understand what she meant by "Especially in the Middle East". After they cast that spell they were still in the US and were still husband and wife, although they had switched bodies, and because of trying to change something they had changed races. They decided it was better not to try again and try to adapt to life like that because they were afraid they could make things worse.

"It's OK," Mike said, "I also didn't want to be a woman. But look at me, I'm wearing this stupid dress, even though I didn't want to. And-"

"Soon you'll start wearing a burqa" Jessica said sarcastically. Mike winced at her words. He hated her sarcasm, especially when she was speaking so calmly and in such a cold tone.

"Very funny," he said bitterly and sighed, turned his head, and looked down sadly at his own breasts and his long female legs.

"Our visa is about to expire and we have to go to Iraq," she said and sat next to him, put her hand on his shoulder, and smiled, "You know what they say about women in Iraq? They say, 'Women in Iraq are the property of their husbands, they are a commodity. Women are a source of income. Women are treated as a thing, not as a human. Women in Iraq are second-class citizens.'"

Jessica said this in a serious tone, and then laughed. But Mike did not laugh, he felt sick, he wanted to cry. "I'm not going there, You were supposed to extend your visa a week ago! What happened?" he shouted hysterically and jumped up from the sofa. Jessica did not answer.

"I'm not going to Iraq!" he shouted now in Arabic and threw himself on the sofa and covered his face with a pillow. He cried out loud and then began to sob quietly. Drastic emotional changes have become the norm since he became a woman, but Jessica thought it was ridiculous, even though he was in a woman's body, he should be able to control his emotions. At least that's what she thought now in her male body, having forgotten how she had behaved that way her whole life.

"Stop crying, woman!" Jessica shouted angrily in Arabic and Mike immediately raised his head, and with a surprised look, he saw her big, masculine body standing before him and he was very frightened. He instantly remembered how he had been rude to Jessica when she had irritated him, but he didn't think that he could have caused such fear. He looked at Jessica for a second, after which Jessica's face, as if realizing something, suddenly changed from angry to surprised, while Mike covered his face with a pillow again and continued to sob quietly.

"I didn't mean to... I didn't mean to yell at you," she said gently, and with regret. She didn't know why she was so angry and called him a woman like some kind of insult. "We are becoming... becoming a couple of... " she stopped talking hearing how Mike began to sob loudly after her words.



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