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Damn, it's already getting hard to tell about my life without sounding like some crazy person, but if you can put up with it, I would love it if you could hear me out.

My name is Takuya Kimura, and I am a third semester high school student in Japan. This summer vacation started off in the best way possible - I received letter from Hogwards. Joke. Actually, it was a letter from my aunt, saying that I was invited to live with her. It was the first time I had heard of her. She lived in America, and her husband was an English teacher at a college. So, I decided to go there. The flight was quite long and exhausting, but as soon as I got off the plane, I had a feeling that this trip was going to change my life.

I have been living in my aunt's house for a week. It is not a big one, but it is nice and cozy. She has two kids: a 20-year-old daughter, and a 17-year-old son. And I couldn't even imagine that it would soon become so important to me. My aunt and her daughter, Jessica, are really kind, but my cousin, John, seems to dislike me for some reason. He has not left his room since I arrived, and he always looks pissed.

Anyway, it's not important now. Because two weeks ago, I found a small, black book under the bed in my room. It had some kind of a spell or a ritual inside. As a huge Harry Potter fan, I couldn't resist, and decided to try it. I mean, I thought it was just a joke, and it would not do anything. I found a spell that promised to help me with John's behavior, and as I didn't like that attitude of his, I decided to try it. That was my biggest mistake.

I read the spell.

Then, the weird thing happened. Suddenly, I started to feel strange, and then I realized that something was wrong with my body. Then I looked at my reflection in the mirror, and... I could not believe my eyes. I was shocked. My hair was growing. My breasts were growing. I was getting shorter. In short, I was turning into a girl. And not only me, everything around me was changing too.

When everything is over, and my transformation is complete, I am just sitting on the floor. I am still shaking and can't believe what just happened. I am completely naked. My skin became smoother, long hair reaches my waist and strange new weight from my new breasts makes me feel uncomfortable. It's also very confusing that my penis is now gone. And so I found myself here... in my new room.

Now my name is Tiffany Kimberly and I have no idea what I'm going to do next. During this two weeks I tried to change back, but nothing helped. The spellbook didn't work, and my aunt... former aunt now, doesn't seem to understand what I'm talking about. She thinks I'm just John's crazy girlfriend...

Well... I think I let it slip... yeah. The spell turned me into a girl who is madly in love with John and wants to make love to him. I don't want it, but somehow... it's hard for me to control. Every free moment I have, I want to spend with John. I'm always looking for him and trying to touch him. And when he is not near, I'm just feeling so sad... and so lonely... Hope this selfie will make him like me more... Maybe I should take a nude picture and send it to him? But in this point he thinks I'm just a stupid slut who is trying to get him laid...

Is this pose sexy enough? And if I lift my tit a little with my hand and show a bit of my nipple? What are you think? Would you like it?



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