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64% and the majority voted for the continuation, so let's begin =)


Part 1-2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/finally-married-105222143

Part 5-7: https://www.patreon.com/posts/finally-married-106241945


Part 3

I didn't understand why the hell I had agreed to Sarah's offer to go to a hotel instead of returning immediately to the that strange store and asking the seller to return us to normal. Probably because my brain was still unable to fully comprehend the fact that I was now a woman. And the idea of ​​trying sex as a woman seemed so... strange and exciting, that I simply couldn't resist, despite the fact that I didn't say it out loud, but on the contrary, I kept saying that I didn't want it.

I said this all the way, first while waiting for a taxi, feeling Sarah's hand hugging me, then in the taxi, with the same hand on my knee while I demonstratively looked out the window and pretended not to hear her sweet words about how beautiful I am and how sexy my new body is. I said this even while standing in the elevator of the hotel and watching how Sarah's gaze was literally burning a hole in my chest, making me blush and, involuntarily, look away with a nervous smile on my lips.

And then, finally, when Sarah easily lifted me up in her arms and walked to the bed, carrying me like a bride over the threshold. My body shuddered, and when Sarah carefully placed me on the bed and began to unbutton the buttons on my transparent shirt, I was shaking all over.

"Jeeer, I love you, you know that," she said with a gentle smile. "You're my wife, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me..."

"Stop it, you're creeping me out!" I whispered, feeling my cheeks burning and looking away again. "It's just so... weird... Just do what you need to do and let's get it over with..." I muttered, understanding that Sarah didn't hear me, because my voice was very quiet. I felt myself like a virgin, a little scared and shy girl who is about to lose her virginity and wants desperately for it to be good.

"Ahmmmm..." a soft, gentle moan escaped my mouth, when Sarah kissed my nipple, licking it, and then sucked it in her mouth, while her hand moved down my stomach and then between my legs, making me moan even louder, as my thighs spread, and I felt a pleasant tingling sensation, which caused me to involuntarily spread my legs even wider, giving her more room.

"God, you're wet, honey!" Sarah murmured, and I felt her finger rubbing my clitoris through the panties. "I knew you were turned on!"

"Uhhh... Stop... stop talking," I gasped, biting my lower lip and closing my eyes, as the sensations became stronger. "It's embarrassing..."

"I'll shut up," Sarah said softly, gently kissing my lips, "but only if you promise not to hold back. I want to hear your moans, Jerilyn, I want to hear how excited you are..."

"Oooh, fuck... Ahhh!" I couldn't help it and moaned, feeling how her dick entered into wet pussy, sliding inside so easily. My arms grabbed Sarah's shoulders and I looked into her eyes, feeling the full length of her penis inside me. "I'm not Jeeer-r-r... ahhh... lyn! Ahh... ahhh... Oh GOD! Sarah!!!"

My pussy squeezed tightly on her penis, my body was trembling and I was breathing heavily. It was... wierd and pleasant. And for a next few minutes I just laid there, unable to move and thinking about everything and nothing at the same time.

Part 4

"We should go back," I said quietly, not wanting to wake her.

"Mmmm," Sarah grunted sleepily and then wrapped her arm around me and hugged me closer, pressing her penis against my ass. "We're not going anywhere." Her voice changed and sounded more serious and commanding. I shivered at the tone and tried to pull away, but her strong arm held me firmly.

"We can't stay like this," I protested weakly, trying to ignore the pleasant sensation caused by Sarah's penis, which was gently rubbing against my ass. "God! Take away your thing, I can't think properly!" I cried, pushing her away and getting up from the bed. My nude body was reflected in the full-length mirror and I was stunned by what I saw.

"Damn it, it's... weird..." I muttered, looking at the reflection of the girl standing in front of me, my own reflection. Sarah didn't reponse and I thought that she was probably still sleeping. 'I should have gone to the store right away and made that creep return us to normal' I thought bitterly, looking at my small breasts with nipples hardened in the cool air.

I didn't know why, but Sarah, after our sex, immediately fell asleep, while I could only lie next to her, thinking, and not fall asleep. I didn't like what was happening, despite the fact that I actually enjoyed having sex. It was weird. The most unpleasant was the feeling that Sarah was controlling everything... This was not like her at all, she had never before... At that moment, memories popped into my head that Sarah had always liked to command and control everything, but I didn’t take it seriously because she was such a sweetheart, and it wasn't that important...

'I should go to the store,' I decided and quickly dressed, trying not to wake Sarah up. 'We must change back, I'm not going to spend the rest of my life as a damn woman!' I was angry, while using make up and trying to put on high-heeled shoes, like if I did it every day. And as if automatically, he looked in the mirror to check out his reflection and saw a very beautiful girl, and her hair was so beautiful that they seemed unreal.

"What the hell?" I muttered, confused, and then shook my head, deciding to sort out all the issues later. "Ugh... stupid heels," I cursed, stumbling on them, and in fear looked at the sleeping body of Sarah, who was lying on the bed naked and snoring softly. Her man's body seems so alien and unfamiliar, even though it was only a few hours ago that we had sex, when it was me lying on this bed. 'This is a fucking mess... but her dick...' I couldn't stop myself and blushed, thinking of what had happened between us. 'Damn! What am I thinking about?!' I shook my head and rushed out of the room.



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