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Part 3-4: https://www.patreon.com/posts/finally-married-105420963


Part 1

I didn't want to go to Italy, not because I was scared of airplanes or had any personal or political opposition to the country. Just something inside of me was against it. I can't really explain it, other than that there was this deep, nagging voice in my head, one that had been bothering me all day, ever since my girlfriend, Sara, and I had been talking over dinner about the trip.

But, despite my internal reluctance, there was no real reason for me to say "no." Especially since Sara really wanted to go and it was her birthday. So, in the end, I agreed. And when we arrived in Rome, after a 10-hour flight, I was determined to push down the feeling inside me, to have fun. It was a nice, sunny 3 days, filled with sight-seeing and good food, and the sex was amazing. Sara was hornier than ever, and it was great, at first.

So when we entered this unusual store, one where you can purchase antiques, oddities and the like, I didn't think much of it, despite my inner voice screaming for me to leave. Sara, on the other hand, was in heaven, picking up and examining every little knick-knack that caught her eye.

The seller immediately seemed strange to me, a creepy old man with a large beard, dark clothing and a weird smile. And when Sara asked if he had anything unusual, he smiled even wider and pointed out a statue, hidden amongst some other trinkets. "It's a wish-granter," he said.

I rolled my eyes and walked off to look at a nearby display, but Sara was hooked and, after asking the price, bought the statue... I'm not sure what exactly happened next, I didn’t see this because I was already leaving the store with a feeling of dissatisfaction, wanting to show Sarah that the seller was a charlatan, and I heard only fragments of her voice behind me, as the door closed.

But then, suddenly, a sharp gust of wind blew over me and and I almost fell. My vision blurred for a second, but it went away quickly... Something was wrong... I felt as if something was touching my neck, so if it were a spider or something else. But when I tried to take my hand up to my neck, I saw that my hand was smaller. Much smaller, like a woman's hand with long, painted nails. And I was wearing a wedding ring. What the hell?!

Part 2

I looked down and saw transparent white lace shirt, which was buttoned only at one button and through which it was definitely possible to see two small tubercles of female breasts. Open navel and tight black mini-skirt which barely covered my hips. There was a loud sound from the impact of a heel when I tried to turn. Heels. Fucking high heels!

"God, Jerry, it's you?!" a surprised male voice said from behind me, causing me to twirl around and see the shocked face of a man who was looking at me from the doorway. "It's me! Sarah! I've become a man!" guy shouted and tried to grab me, but I pulled away.

"Hey! Who the hell are you?" I shouted, surprised by my new, feminine voice.

"It's me, Sara. God! I can't believe that the wish-granter actually worked! And... It's mean..." guy turned up his palm and I saw a wedding ring like mine, just slightly bigger. "We are married! Yes-yes-yes! Oh my God, Jerry, although, no, no, now it's Jerrye, or Jeeru... Jeeria?"

I was shocked and scared. It's Sarah? And... we are married?! At that moment, as if automatically adjusting the handle of the bag on my shoulder, I only now notice it. Quickly opening the bag, I find in it many items of women's things: makeup, perfume, lipstick and tampons... Oh fuck... I can't help it and I burst into tears, covering my face with my hands, when I finally found a ID card...

"Jerilyn Gertrude Williams... born 25th August 1996... married to..."

"Samuel Michael Williams," Sara's voice sounded over my shoulder. "God, Jerry, I'm so sorry, I didn't know it would happen! You... you're my wife!!! Oh, shit, and I'm your husband now... Hey don't cry baby! Shh..."

Sarah hugged me and I felt the strength in her muscular arms, she was much taller now. It's a nightmare. A terrible nightmare. But I felt safe, protected, and, in a strange way, happy in her arms, so I hugged her back, taking a deep breath and sniffling like a girl.

"Come on, sweetie, let's go home," she whispered in my ear and gently touched my ass, making me blush. "I think I need to learn how to be a husband, and you should get used to being a wife..."



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