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"Damn it, why is that idiot staring at me like that?!" Mike thought to himself while sitting looking at some old guy who had been staring at him from the next lawn chair. Mike still felt pain in his eyes after the bright flash a moment ago which blinded him when the sun had reflected on a strange, alien object he had just noticed in sky. It looked like some UFO or something.

Taking a deep breath of air Mike felt something in his chest that felt weird. Heavy weight on his chest pulled down his upper body. Felt like someone had attached two big melons on his chest and wrapped them with tight elastic fabric. He looked down and gasped as he noticed that he actually had huge, woman's boobs.

- What the fuck?! - he screamed and felt that his voice was somehow high pitched, more than usual. He wearing tight red swimsuit which now was digging deeply between his new pussy lips and his asshole. Big, round melons bounced on his chest with every breath make him felt embarrassed. "Fuck!"

- Hey, Jane, do you need some oil?

Mike heard someone speaking, but didn't realize that it was him being called. He trying stand up with new center of balance. He not looked now big muscular guy as he was before. Al his tattoos which he had proudly put on his body, disappeared with his muscles and hairy body. Now long hair fell from his head down to his shoulders.

- Jane! - girl with black hair called him again from behind and suddenlu felt her hands on his ass. - Oh, god, you look hot as hell!

- What's going on?! Who are you? And who is this 'Jane' person?

- Heh... - she giggled. - Jane, please, tell me you are playing this little joke on me? You know that I hate this. - she said with pouting lips.

Mike looked at her. It was skinny Asian girl in pink bikini whose face seemed familiar to him. She was looking at him with disbelief and sadness.

- You... you are that girl from bar last night. - Mike finally remembered her. She was his one night stand girl, who was very good in s*g cock. - What are you doing with me?!

- Jane, please, I understand your feelings - she whispered, coming close and wrapping her arms around him. Mike felt her warm boobs pressed against his big tits pressed between their bodies.

- Stop touching me, slut! - he shouted. - What are you playing at?

She backed off a little and her eyes looked sad. She was confused about his reaction.

- Oh, shit! - she muttered - Jane, please, stop it! Don't interfere with your work with me! I told you to quit a long time ago, but you didn't listen!

- Quit what?!

- Okay, let's play this game if you want. - she said, smiling, but her eyes were full of sadness. - You work in a bar downtown, remember? You are a stripper there and have been doing this for two years. And yesterday your new client came and he was a real jerk. You gave him a private dance in private room, then sucked his cock, right? - she was talking slowly and clearly, while his eyes were wide open and his mouth opened a bit.

- I am what?!? You are crazy bitch, you know? - he shouted

- Hey, stop yelling at me! - she suddenly screamed - It's your damn fault that he didn't pay you! - she turned her head away. - Damn! He here. - she was whispering, while she was looking at a tattooed man in swim trunks walking in their direction. Mike saw him too and his heart skipped a beat. This man looked like he, even tattoos were same. Only face was different.

- Fuck, what the hell?! He looks like a me! - Mike screamed.

- Hey, sweetheart. - tattooed guy smiled widely and came closer. - Is it just me or do we know each other?

Mike felt his heart beat faster and harder, when he was looking at him. This strange, tattooed guy seemed really happy to see him, even he was angry.

- Hey, don't bother him, okay? - his Asian slut said with anger and stood between them.

- Oh, I remember! You're that pretty little thing from last night. - he laughed and grabbed Mike's ass with his strong hand. - What's up, babe? You missed me? - he pulled him closer, feeling his tits squeezed between them. - by the way my name is Mike.

- What?! - Mike asked, looking at his face - Why do you have same name as me?

- Huh, funny girl, - tattooed man giggled and kissed Mike deeply with tongue. Mike's hands moved quickly on Mike's ass, squeezing it tightly. He moaned into, kissing him with tongue feeling hot wet in crotch.

- Jane!!! Stop it, please. What are you doing?! - Asian girl tried to separate them, but couldn't because Mike held tattoed Mike so tightly. - You're hurting me! I... I go away! - she shouted, running away, while ta tattooed guy started pulling red swim suit down revealing Mike's huge tits with hard nipples and big round ass.



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