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It was a long, long kiss, and it seemed that it would never end. Although, in fact, it only took a couple of seconds. But for lady Catherine Montgomery, who was inside was actually George Montgomery - guy from the 21st century, it seemed the longest couple of seconds in her life. His eyes were opened wide in disbelief. "This is impossible! Impossible!" - his mind was screaming, while the feeling of another lips on his own, made him move his head down, but storng hand under his chin prevented him form breaking the kiss. "I must escape, I must wake up from this bizarre dream!" - thought George, looking with a confused look as if through man's face.

- You're such a kitten, Cathie, my love. - the Lord James Edward Montgomery told, when he stopped kissing his fiancé. - So delicate and timid. - he grinned, teasingly. It was apparent, that Cathie was embarrassed and blushed heavily, hearing his words.

"Delicate! Timid? ME!? I'm the city champion of boxing! Nobody in his right mind would call me "delicate"!" - George's mind was still on a disbelieving mode, trying to deny the impossibility of the current situation. However, it was hard denying, especially considering that George has found himself trapped in a woman's body in the 18th century who was apparently his distant relative. And he was in her body already 3 weeks ago. During this time he, of course, tried many times to find explanation of the incident and escape.

Unfortunately, he failed each time. All around called him Lady Catherine (Katie or Cathie) Montgomery and when he told them, he was actually a 21st century-man called George, they looked at him as if he was a crazy person. Soon after they would call doctors to check his health. George realized that if he continued like this, he would be send to asylum, or something worse, maybe even hung as witch.

Lady Montgomery lived in a beautiful manor, but it very different then anything that he saw before. Everything was so strange! Especially dresses which he was obliged to wear, and some kind of bizarre make-up with perfumes! Every day, maid helped him put clothes including tight fitting corset - an item that George hated most. Hair dressing and preparation was also the kind of activity which required much of his effort to endure. The day consisted of etiquette or sewing or things like that, in other words - activities which George loathed the most.

- Thank you. - George told the Lord Montgomery politely, looking away to hide the blush and confusion. Inside he was furious. But what he could do now? In fact, if he tried to fight with the Lord Montgomery, he would end up losing anyway and probably landed himself into big troubles. Life as a 1781-era of high-class femal was better that most of many people in 18th century... But for George it was hell. Every morning woke up with feeling of this stupid weight on his chest, feeling of touching long hair on his back or those freaking women's underwear... And today his greatest fear come true when Lord Montgomery returned to the manor...



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