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"This is the last time, ahah!" - quietly muttered Fester while looking at the cellphone screen. He opened again the popular app, 'Womanizer' and used his finger on his own smartphone to "Swipe" a number of profiles of random attractive girls. This app allowed guys not only choose the type of woman they preferred but also even get all the information for each profile, including private pictures and other sexy data, for money of course.

On the mobile screen, like always, after another dozen of photos, Fester got stucked at one picture. She was definitely asian-looking but even in the preview photo she looked really attractive - in black tight longsleeved suit, in fishnet tights and hair in two beautiful tails. Her breasts were definitely huge in size and even from this one photo Fester felt how his cock started throbbing. 'Ling Wei Xiang' was written in a neat calligraphy by the woman's name.

"Hey, uh, Ling... um, Ling... uh, Ling Waaay Saaang..." trying pronounce the woman's name, Fester clicked on her profile and paid for the additional access, waiting while his phone downloading her full nude gallery he started stroking his dick lightly. Bunch of pictures showed up on the display, one by one, they were definitely very different and mainly not erotic. "Fuck! Where's your private photos, bitch?" Fester growled angrily turned his head left and right to find the bottle with the alcohol and sip the glass. "She's a mother?!?", Fester screamed with a big confusion when he saw next set of pictures where he could see how Ling Wei Xiang was taking care of her two children - at small room with green kitchen utensils, inside a grocery store and in stripper clothes on a empty nightclub.

"Y-you, you are a pole dancer too?!", exclaimed the young man, gulping the third portion of a drink and closing his eyes from the intoxication, then he rubbed his forehead and sighed. With one eye closed, Fester clicked to strange new button 'Try her life for a hour'. His phone started vibrating and everything got darker around. "Wh-whaaa!? What the fuck is th-a-a-aa...!" His voice got more and more feminine before trailing off and everything was gone.

"Ah!" - Ling Wei Xiang gasped for air in white room as she opened her eyes. Her hands weakened and she dropped her phone down, feeling how the device was falling on her leg and going down under it. She didn't understand so quickly all the changes that had just happened to her, feeling some unfamiliar heavy feeling at her chest and tightening clothes around her curvy body. She looked down in surprise at fishnet tights covering her smoth and big legs.

"Uh, uhm, what happened... what's going on?", she spoke nervously noticing the thin feminine voice and her strange accent and slowly raised her eyes. Opposite her sat a woman who was looking at her with confusion "You! You're the chick who... wait!" the girl covered her mouth with her little palm and the girl sitting opposite her repeated this gesture, so now she definitely understood that it was a reflection.

"NO! It's can't be true!", screamed Ling Wei Xiang grabbing her breasts and nervously touching her hair and face.

"Mommy, did you just scream?" - a boy, apparently her son, ran down to the room where Ling was and some unshaven man came running here with him too, who stopped behind the child. Ling opened her mouth but didn't dare speak, being shocked completely.

"Your mom should do a photo-shoot, buddy. Look at her slutty clothes! Oh yeah, baby..." hepushed the child out of the room, closed the door, and continued "I wanna fuck you so much... to hell with the photos, I wanna fuck my best stripper!" without letting Ling realize he already kissed her and squeezed her breasts, "Mmmmhh... I'mmmm.... hmnooo.... hnpfhh... I am guy and... hmfpph!" the man not caring her words was stripping her from clothes and continuing kissing on her lips, while in her phone appeared 'If you want to return back press stop. If not, just ignore this message'



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