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Previous part: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-stripper-at-100519991

Continuation: https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-stripper-at-101148220


Some time later in staff room behind the bar

"What the hell with you today, Patty? Where is your mind girl? God dammit!" manager girl angrily screamed while entering staff room. "First, you talk non-sense, secondly, stumble like a drunk person and finally, you stare like an idiot at the pole and wait. If you are-" she paused noticed that the 'Patty' wasn't listening her and instead sitting on a couch and holding her huge melons and touching them as if seeing them the first time. "HEY, YOU!" manager suddenly burst out in a yell so loud that she almost shook the wall "Stop it!"

"Stop like, what?!" Paul yelled in shock. He was very angry because of all that was happening right now and yelling angrily "Like, take a walk, lady! This all totally blows and I'm, like...going home! And don't yell at me! Like you are nothing!" The moment she heard his reply, manager immediately changed her demeanor and stopped yelling. "Excuse me missy? Did you forget about your debt?" asked the angry manager in a calm, but demanding and very unpleasant voice "Don't think that because you are lover of the owner, you can't be fired."

"Like, what? Lover?! Of the owner?!" the surprised Paul laughed in shock. "You dumb cunt, I'm like a MAN, okay! My name is PAUL" the mad Paul said in his shrill girly voice and lifted up cloth of the top that covered his right tit. "Oh like, come on...that's totally impossible...I mean, this big booby. How can this be mine?? You crazy bit-" before the indignant Paul could continue, the manager sharply said: "Shut up! Patricia Patterson" with an intimidating, rough voice, pointing her finger right into his face, looking into his eyes, "You are lucky that tonight, there are many visitors who are in a great mood and spending good money..." she paused again and waved her hand "Okay, fine! Paula or whoever you are! Tonight you can leave and go home" she continued with a tone of threat in her voice, looking sternly into the eyes of her "employee" and then after a pause "BUT you better make sure that you bring money here tomorrow, just like yesterday and every other day, otherwise..." she said calmly with her cold, dry voice, raised one finger and made an invisible knife on her neck.

With no idea what to answer, Paul in his brain couldn't imagine doing it again tomorrow and even more, he couldn't even imagine that tomorrow he will be still in this female body. When door loudly closed after angry barmaid, he gave out a big sigh of relief. "Like, finally..." he mumbled, completely lost in thoughts and staring at the ground. "...home...like, this is totally a crazy bad trip or dream" said Paul/Patty while getting up and almost falling again, having troubles standing because of his 8-inch high heels. "Like, why am i talking like a total bimbo bitch" and making big step outside he added "That is totally soo, like wrong" walked through the door, holding by one hand his broken top over tit while the other one taking a purse. "This is, like a dream or hallucination..." said to no one in particular, almost walking over bouncer, who slapped his ass firmly

"Watch yourself girl!" the bouncer-type said to the nearly stumbling stripper. "If you weren't a lover of boss I would already had made you my whore" he said laughing loudly at his joke and added "Take the cab, okay?" and after slapping his ass again, went out the door.

"Like, eeek" Paul gasped with scared tone as bouncer was walking away, putting hand over ass which hurt a lot. "My ass so big and like, totally hurts" he mumbled, slowly walking to the cab. "Like, okay honey...Take me to 45 Elwood Street..." said the shocked Paul after entering the car, completely devastated in thoughts. "Like, ahmmm. No, you are not 'honey' I mean, like, eeek. Hahaha... Ooooh fuck..." the panicked Paul laughed a little, nervously seating on the back seat.



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