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Chapter 7-8: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lost-in-time-7-8-99968718

Chapter 11-12: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lost-in-time-11-100958997


Results of poll:

Lady from Victorian England - 40%

Peasant woman from the Middle Ages - 38%

Woman from the Stone Age - 22%


Greg watched as they all slowly disappeared, and instead of white color in front of him appeared unfamiliar street and buildings. Slowly, louder and louder, he began to hear sounds - voices of people, a horse, carriage. Greg shook his head. He did not have time to see or understand what was happening. Nearby a coachman yelled at a horse that was pulling a small but roomy and luxurious carriage.

"Good day, my dear Alicia," the man standing in front of him gave his hand to the Greg to help him get out of the carriage. The stranger was around 50-60 years old, his bald head shined from the bright sun. He had an expensive-looking clothes that showed that he's pretty rich, however his face looked wrinkled, even disgusting and ugly for Greg. "You are even more radiant than I had imagined" he said with a faint smile, his eyes calculating as they lingered on Greg, examining his figure, "A fine addition to my household, indeed." He finally said when he reached his hand and gently stroke Greg's cheeks with his soft thumb.

Greg backed up in shock, trying to take a deep breath, however the corset prevented him from breathing properly, causing an annoying stinging in his ribs. "Agh... Ouch!" he clutched at his waist didn't still realize where he ended and why is it so difficult for him to breathe. "What the...?" Greg moaned quietly when his gentle little hands touched a thick fabric at his ribs. He understood everything now - it was a damn corset! His eyes looked down at himself and he gasped: Greg was wearing a tight, tightly laced 19th century lady dress, it had high neckline, long sleeves in the end of each other were small frills aronud his small delicate hands.

"Is something the matter, my dear?" he asked, his tone laced with falsehood. The way his beady brown eyes looked Greg up and down, lingering for too long on his chest, made the latter shift uncomfortably. "I expect better comportment from a lady of your standing."

Greg gulped "Oh..." he made a strangled noise in his throat and gently bowed his head as a sign of respect to the older man in front of him. "You must remember your place as my wife now, Miss Alicia" said Mr.Hinford, with serious expression, his voice laced with thinly veiled displeasure "Although, soon I shall call you Mrs.Hinford, so it is your duty to satisfy me, remember your manners and bear my children..." he added.


It took Greg a few moments to come to himself. He trying to breathe normally and at the same time understand what is mean this rude person. When his mind got ahold of his consciousness, Greg squeaked: "Children?!" he took a deep inhale "With you?!" squealed Greg, looking in stranger's disgusting face, but instantly remembered of himself about his current position and shamefully added "Ehm, sorry Mr. Hinford...I-it will be a pleasure to-.. Mmmrfphh...!" tried to apologize and say a polite sentence, but older man immediately came closer and pressed him to a hard kiss which Greg can't escape.

After several seconds he broke the kiss and whispered "Call me Theodore" and than slowly ran his hand over Greg's chest area in cleavage of the dress "and Sir Theodore Hinford if we're in the company of other aristocracy...However you won't need this silly thing when you are in my bed..." he finished while gently squeeze Alicia's breasts.

"Hey... stop this... sir! I'm not your... wife" Greg looking at ugly face, his lips which second ago was smashing him with kiss and blushed from disgust though about being in bed with this person. "yet... not you wife yet!... E-everything is in its own due time, sir." tried to calm the stranger with his soft high pitched girl's voice and waved with his gentle little hand away from this old man.

"Well, of course." Hinford chuckled, "Just as long as we get right to that wedding night, Alicia." said the man, straightening his suit. "...because I may change my mind and then you will go back to your pitiful life... maybe as a maid" smiled Theodore with nasty smirk and checked the time on a silver pocket watch he was holding in his hand. "Dinner time, Alicia, don't be late, you want your pretty mouth stuffed with my cock, do you not?" smiled and suddenly laughed "Ahahah! I am kidding!" he exclaimed loudly.

Greg just stood and watched with horror and disgust this old person with a strange facial expressions. Just a hour ago he thought that his troubles is finished and everything will be normal again, that soon he will simply smile remembering his adventure in ancient Egypt and will jokingly tell that he was in busty female body and was the female slave of this Egyptian warrior. But instead of returning in the his home universe, being again himself he found himself as the 19-years old lady that has no choice but marrying a 50-years old creepy aristocrat man from Victorian England. But the stupidest thing is that he didn’t understand how he can go back! And these guys helped him?! Where were they now? They did not warn him about something like this would happen again!



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