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I hope you liked this month's illustration, and I'm curious to know if you'd still like to see this story unfold further. I know I haven't drawn any of your suggestions yet, but i wanted to get there gradually. If we choose to continue I will use your suggestion even if it's just as inspiration, so please, feel free to keep writing down your ideas!



I would love to see where this goes. In terms of immediates, I would like to see why they're dressing her up. Worker/indentured servant/maid/household slave (forced to do chores in kink gear)? Or maybe they're presenting her at some kind of festival (in which case, maybe training for said festival)? Or maybe she's being made presentable to be sold off (fashion, stocks, auction)? Just some ideas! Looking forward to whatever happens next!

Emanuele Parascandolo

The festival idea is really a good one, especially if we're talking about hobbits! Maybe they're dressing her up the hobbit festive way so that she can work as a bartender at said festival...


Yeah, I still love the idea that this whole scenario was born from either breaking a cultural taboo or perhaps stealing their precious food or tobacco (on accident). I basically concur with everyone else that she should be working as a barmaid or helping out with the festivities. I'd recommend them putting a mount on her and riding her around, but that feels too cruel for these little guys. This punishment is more like a lighthearted community service during a celebration. Perhaps even Connlan is at the festival enjoying food and games while Odilla grumbles about having to work while he has fun. Careful though, if you tempt me, i may write more.