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Hey all, putting out an update on what's going on as we plod our way to the end of another year.

Polls done. the results are:
- more originals, which kinda circles back to how this strarted 8 years ago, except this time lewds take up quite the amount.
- Digimon wins, ponies and yu-gi-oh will be yeeted into deep freeze next to the frozen peas, either to be thawed and tried again in the future or cleared out when the novelty wears off. Does not affect my own original interpretations, like punch horses and turning the sisters into respective phoenix and bun.

I'll be away this weekend, will use the time to get started on some digis, already did some testing in last week's stream so I have a direction for some. Then I shall try to get a pack together and delivered out by the 15th. If I'm not too tired, I'll do a sunday morning stream.

Couple more things, I will be pausing January. b'day holiday and all that. Anyway I won't be very productive, heavy renovation going on nearby makes working hard and they've scheduled till end of january for estimated completion.

Second thing is, and this is heresay at this point, Patty might be doing another round of purges to clean up their image for prospective investors. I have not heard much buzz about this beyond one post, it's not as loud as hypnotism getting the boot. But if it's true I may be swept up and I need to consider backups.

SStar is not a viable option mainly for their payout method. I suppose there's Gumroad, in place of monthly arts, I sell themed packs instead.


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