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Roight, given it some thought and while still rough, I have an outline. Strap in, this could be a long read.

sure, I could clear the refs myself, but I welcome and cherish some audience participation. feels kinda quiet and leaves me wondering if I'm up to satisfaction. Plus, it could be interesting to gauge reactions to the obscure tidbits I've been collecting

1.) Lining up the candidates.

I've decided the better method is to go alphabetically, it's easier to follow (though that means I have to go do housekeeping and rename files them properly). The poll entry would have title of whatever it's from, and amount of character refs, eg ' American Dragon (3)' . Thinking maybe multiple votes per person as there might be more than 1 you're keen on,

Here's what my collection looks like:
- To-draw #1: stuff saved from 2019 - 2021, mixed bag
- To-draw #2: 2021 - 2022, quite a few are stream suggestions
- Pone: mixed bag, includes TFH, older gens, and knockoffs like Filly Funtasia
- Digimon: a lot of B - D listers
- Yugi-oh: some fine monsters
- more recent bunch of recently stuff saved

there're smaller older folders like ultraman (femme kaiju) and paddlepop, I think I'll group those  into to-draw #1 as they're of the same time range.

Once polling is done, runner up will be kept on standby, in case there's not enough quantity from of the winner. 3rd onwards I plan to put into deep freeze, to later Marie Kondo some more. or as really tough-times backups.

2,) Lights, Stylus, Action

Fastest and simplest art to do would be nude pinups, air out the puppies. maybe do frosted variants. gonna try avoid any extensive coverage / censoring if I can, would rather draw a set than make digital additions on a single piece. Maybe something themed or timed, American Dragon would line up nicely with 2024's zodiac, or Xmas for december; so it's not just plainly standing-round-stark-nekkid.

Could also have them ride the red rocket, or any other toy you want to throw into the ring.

I am greedy and would want all the ladies ride Fu but I wager that'd stale after a while... hmm... gang-up with barely legible dudes?

3.) Fresh from the presses

Of course that's a lot of old things, if you've got a character to pitch that I don't have saved, could be solid gold. Straight from you to the paper. I don't always catch all the latest happenings , liable to miss a few intersting things were it not for the keen eyes of others.

I'm pretty sure I'm missing some more info, but this should suffice to start. After doing some cursory sorting, I'm torn between launching a poll ASAP because once more, Gold's tiddy-values is lacking, or do it together with artpack delivery batches. let's see what the week holds.

questions welcomed, don't think there's adequate coverage with this pre-dawn half-tired keyboard face-rolling



I have pone on the brain, but I figure most people don't anymore. Still the occasional pone bone thrown this way is much appreciated.


Yay, pin-ups :D