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the more feedback I get the clearer image I get, your thought is most appreciated.

ya know, I've been doing this freelance thing for over 10 years now. Through all that time I've never figured out what charge. Only recently did I work with a $10 an hour commission rate after hearing of american minimum wage at $15 an hour.

As for my patreon prices, I'm going with a 'cheeseburger' approach, where a pledge is a snack, based on american fastfood menus I can find online. A $2 pledge can get me a cheeseburger.

That said, I'm looking to hear from you on the next step: Seperating general content from mature / adult.

- my initial plan is to open a new $3 tier for adult bonuses. Is that too much to ask for? (Compared to other patreons you're pledging / have pledged to that also offers adult content)

- if I've not been offering enough content to justify a higher tier, would a discounting to $1 clean tier $2 +adult seem more palatable?

- should I just keep things as they are now, G & adult together, since content exclusivity may not matter. I didn't start on a porn platform, so expectations & value are minimal.

RE: content count. been generally more productive, being techless doesn't affect a traditional artist's ability to create.



Go for that $3 tier. What's the point of going for the smut dollar if you don't get the smut dollar?


minimum wage is an interesting topic here in the states, by the way. Federal minimum wage is 7.25 if health benefits are being offered. 15 bucks was a liberal goal, that won't happen now


I would definitely separate the two, and indeed place the adult art at a higher value. $3 is super cheap. (Fun fact: minimum wage in Quebec, Canada is $10.75/hr, which is USD7.93/hr)