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so, anyone overwhelmed?

I write to you here instead of posting to my gallery journals because as backers, you get priority. I'm typing this on my broken Ruvo tablet with a mouse, a painfully slow low-tech method which I don't use lightly. It's a wonder patreon even loads on this.

I'm reduced to this because my Acer is at the tech shop for routine servicing & cleaning. It's been running hot for a while, yesterday early morning it began mysteriously shutting down on its own before it reached fan-shriekingly hot.

A general servicing takes a day. It's been a little over 30hrs, I'm bracing for bad news about breakage, lappy's over 7 years old so wear & tear is to be expected.

I am worried though about what to do next.

I cannot afford even a used laptop and because of the election kerfuffle & panicking dollar, new tech's prices got inflated by round 20% more. (A 500gb hdd I planned to buy has gone up from $52 to $70)

Assuming the worst case scenario and my laptop dies, I can still post art. This post is to explain my SNAFU contingency plan, I ask not for donations but for understanding for a possible future situation.

If it comes to that, only you as patrons will receive updates because I don't post unpolished pieces to galleries. I can rig up some kind of system to take pics with the tablet cam in the absence of a scanner.  it'll be be inked & colored pencil, daily or weekly updates of probably poorly-lit arts.

Things can kinda resume as bare- minimum normal until i've scrimped for a replacement laptop. I won't bail or skip on you.

It's 5pm. Trump claimed victory. Shop closes in 2 hrs & still hasn't called.  if I still don't get updates tomorrow evening, I'll try make a test cam post & then break the bad news to DA & FA.



Fuck man, I'm about to just send you my old laptop. (minus HD, of course). The battery doesn't always hold a charge, but it comes with the charger. Would it work where you're at?


It's old for sure, Core 2 Duo, but discrete graphics and 8 GB RAM. 17" screen. It's definitely not top of the line, but it went to Germany for six months and back with me and still works fine after 6 years.