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The good thing about the long pause, for the given value of good, is that I've got pleeenty of scraps from the weekly stream sesh.

there's a little bit of everything. Some zodi-dev, some stream requests, a lot of tasting ideas and marie-kondo'ing my to-draw list.

I know I'm terrible at planning but I'm gonna try another set again.

Last year I wanted to highlight some retro furry stuff for the October special (Retrober), from the pre-internet dark ages. From the funny animals of underground comics, to indies like Radio and Antarctic, they paved the way for today's fandom.

Part of the set would be what I can find, comics and stuff. Another part is individual artists and their OCs, icons like ZigZag. I'd like to say there's a third part, artists who influenced my formative years, but I can't remember them all anymore, and those who I do remember I don't think they have OCs to work with.

So, let's see how successful I am with Furry Retrospective October



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