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had to log onto my pc for this because Pat's app is shite and my phone can't handle the webpage and the millions of scripts it runs in the background

I'm currently sick with sinusitis, pretty sure not covid. I still breathe fine, aside from hacking up the occassional gob of phlegm, I can still taste my food and smell my 'wind oil'. no nausea either.

Drank too much self-made coffee onna monday, instead of the usual 3-in-1 packet, probably too strong and my nose started drying out. almost lost my voice yesterday, had fitful 30-mins naps that circled the house as I tried to find a comfortable sleeping position, while coughing and blowing my nose, until the sun came up.

Currently my eyeballs feel like they're on fire, otherwise am fine and just a bit sniffly / snotty. Still can't look down without my nose leaking.

at this pace I should be alright by tomorrow to resume arting

edit:huh, looks like it might be covid. my phone has classified me as a "casual contact" so i'm stuck at home for the next week


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