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How's everyone? It's a new month! February was a struggle but things have been slowly looking up. Finally feel like muse is agreeing with me again.

I missed the Global Game Jam, was stuck in the traffic jam en-route for 3 hours and, screw it, not worth it. The theme wasn't interesting anyway.

The biggest annoyance in Feb is small, orange and old.

Meet Kitty (the 3rd, I think). He's my sister's, who has moved out and abandoned him here because even she realises how problematic he can be. He's 18+ years old and showing all the signs of feline dementia. Especially annoying is his yowling, it's an ear spike, even through earbuds.

He will shush when fed, problem is he's in a picky eating phase and virtually decimated my budget. Money put aside for a new color pencils has gone to getting him varieties of food.

During the day, it's construction noise, at night is Kitty's yowling. I chose to be night owl, it's a lesser evil that I can remedy.

Coloring will be digital for the foreseeable future, I still have paper and a small reserve of pens.

Which leads me to the next topic, something extra for everyone.


I very much want to stream and do progress videos. Until I have a PC good enough for desktop recording, I'm cataloguing my process in a PDF instead.

I zone out if I color too long on a single sitting, so I save states to remind myself of progress, I figure I can compile and share these, with commentary and quibble.

Included in this month's pack are 2 Process PDFs. I haven't done something like this before so do let me know if the PDFs ain't opening properly, especially on mobile devices.

My easiest streaming solution is a mere upgrade. My laptop came packed with Vista, so the specs should be good enough for Windows 7, which is the bare minimum since most broadcasting software no longer support XP.

There're more posts to come, I'm feeling rather jazzed up. I've started on the Carni Corset pieces, gonna go full size  and maybe turn them into calendar pages.


It's a little quiet here, how about some idle banter? What would you like to see me draw more of? More fanart? More monsters?

I've also been thinking about this. Do you want source PSDs? Not like you can learn anything from me, I Photoshop like a gorilla, as long as it works.


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