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Sorry for the lateness and thank you for your patience. Albendazole be like "Been about 5 years since your last deworming, sit back and get comfy, I've got a lot of cleaning to do." Still a little achey.

Anywhoo, I powered through the pain for last of the pack. As such, though Majjlock and Knowsledger are "done", they're not "right". I struggled with the color scheme, went from black/red Dracula combo to white / teal, currently settled on indigo-ish. I'm set on the metal bits looking like anodized titanium though.

I'm gonna give them another look down the road, try more color combos.

If nothing satisfactory comes up, then I don't publish it and hey, Patreon exclusive.

Maybe give my pursuit of flat coloring a rest and shade the dickens out of it. I shall look enviously at those who can get away with it, imagine the time savings and how much more art I can jam in if the only coloring I did was flats.

I don't know what I'm not doing right, though I suspect the unclean and non-uniform lines of traditional inking might have something to do with it.

Right, new day, new month, time to start anew and get some very good puppers designed.

EDIT: RE: Quota: I've decided, on the 1-every-$70 basis, at current total it'll be 4 artage minimum. That means after I meet that quota, finished a commission and have time left until reward delivery, I will use the time to add extra arts.

EDIT#2: Oh, and starting from now delayed public release goes into effect, proper. You'll see what I've done 1 month before it goes up to FA and DA, unless I want to hit some kinda seasonal event like Hungry Ghost Month or Lunar New Year.



Ermagerd the knowsledger. LOVE the concept.


"Hungry Ghost Month"...? O.O