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I've always wanted to join in with the bunch who release artbooks, have something physical I can pass around that encapsulate a year's creative madness. It also feels like an upgrade above just posting online.

Nothing I do really qualifies, aside from not being 'full pieces', there's also an issue with using copyrighted characters, so pone is out unless I make originals.

Then while clearing my desk, I unearthed a list and potential artbook idea with no copyrighted characters attached: Random Video Game Name Generator

Basicly this site generates a random fictional game title. Sometimes it includes real IPs in the mix like Donkey Kong and Star Wars, but I usually disregard those:


This site was used to add extra difficulty to Global Game Jam attendees who teamed up beforehand, making a game based on that year's theme AND fit into the random name.

I just punched Generate once and it gave me 'Internet Manlove Interactive'. Punched it again and gave me 'Leisure Suit Ostrich Groove'.

Oh yes, this shiz can get weird. Lewd sounding combos abound. Keep the 'Don't Pick Similar Terms' ticked for better combos.

What I'd do with this is make art of it, could look like cover art, could look concept work, or just visually represent the title as a description. Horror, fantasy, action, again lewd, it's all there.

On my existing list I have noted down 48 titles, that covers me 1 piece a week for a year, seems doable. Maybe with flat colors if I can swing it.

Now I may not do all 48 of my own, some don't seem as appealing as the first time I generated them. When I'm stuck or run out, you can help by clicking Generate a few times.

If this pans out, it'll be our little secret (and then I'm gonna have to find a book printer.)

Gonna try a few, see how that feels.


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