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Happy belated new year to everyone! How has it treated you so far?

I've been strangely productive, despite manning the home almost completely, in the absence of sequences there's more stuff.

2017 has been a trying year. 

At the end of it, on the plus side, through hell and hot water and stodgy Customs I have a fresh-ish laptop, which I plan to enhance it by scouring second-hand shops for similar models, transplant a DVD drive and have spare parts for repairs. If my old Aspire 4937G can chug along for 8 years, this E15 should go at least 4 years.

Second good news is finally, the lot of land next to my home is fully developed. Once the office tower is done landscaping, that ends 10+ years of non-stop construction. Hello cleaner air, quieter days.

The downside is I'm showing my age, and dad's heart issue stress did not help. I've gotten a major case of floaters, makes arting a little difficult because my sight is interrupted by sizeable blurry squiggles. But like everything in life, learn to adapt. And get more sleep. I've not done a full 9 hours since the hospital vigil, which probably aggravated my floaters problem and conversely, more rest may help tamp down the buggers.

Anywhoo, thank you all for all your support, through the good and bad. Here's to 2018, the year of the Stone Dog. Birthday in a few days, gonna kick it off with a fresh sketchbook.

PS: You'll notice I've added a little Patreon blurb to the high-res. It turns out a former Patron has been uploading the high-res to a semiprivate imageboard. They've paid for it, so they have every right to muddle about but I figure, I'm losing some promoting by not labelling it.

It's a small thing, if it bothers you, you can crop it out without harming the rest of the pic. That's what a bleed border is for.



David Ewell

Here's to hoping 2018 is a fuq load better than 2017.