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This goes out to every patron, even you, anonymous supporter.

Come November, I would've been on Patreon for 2 years. It was a rough start, the yiffparty screwed my shit up midway, found a little ray of light most recently.

As the title says, I've been thinking about converting this Patreon to Adult Only.

  • Deviantart will be for the clean stuff
  • Furaffinity will be for pinups, mature and censored
  • Patreon will be for everything else that could get me in trouble with the authorities, safely kept under lock-and-key, which previously FA supplied via Google result exclusion.

Years of trial and error, and based on top earning Patreons, the path to success is porn and fanart, usually a combination of both. I dabbled in a little pony and that doubled my support.

I don't think I offer anything unique to be a top earner, but I'd like to be 'comfortable'. Comfortable to me is around $400 a month.

There're benefits to just focusing on NSFW. If clean art is deprioritized, I can put them out at a more relaxed pace, give it all the time it wants for ideas to mature, unlike now where I juggle to meet both G and X supporters. 

I can also one again take requests / suggestions / open polls around r34, adult theme.

With this probably comes a name change, to completely seperate myself from the other galleries.

Shall I? Shall I not?

I don't know, I haven't made up my mind yet. Maybe I'll throw up more lewds to FA, uncensored, see if that improves the situation towards making this fully adult, or I just maintain status quo.



Hey, do what you think works best for you. But I'll give you one data point. I signed up at the $10 level because I was really fascinated by your style and technique, and thought the PSDs would be awesome to look at. And I know this makes me unusual, but I enjoy the cleaner stuff a lot more than the NSFW stuff. So having the Patreon go full-NSFW would lead me to unsubscribe. That being said, I'm sure you're right -- NSFW stuff undoubtedly brings in much more per hour's work than the G-rated stuff.


I enjoy the NSFW stuff, and I enjoy furry porn. For your output in particular, I really like your SFW work. It's unique and interesting and quirky and just plain fun. I wouldn't remove my patronage because you go more towards NSFW, that'd be hypocritical of me. I support others who focus on erotica / porn. I would miss your SFW work if you stop making it, because I'm with Mark: That stuff is amazing. And as always: You do you. Judge the level of risk you can take, both legally and artistically; judge what you can do without burning out and what you can get away with without ending up with huge fines / jail time. And do what you think is right. Your patrons will still be here. Well most of them, maybe not Mark :). Edit: I wanted to speak to my habits re price points. I'm me, don't speak for anybody else, set your price points as the market dictates, charge what maximizes your return. With that standard disclaimer: I'm reasonably stingy. I support 9 people, most on the $1 to $3 tier, one on $5, one on $10. $3 appears to be a psychological barrier for some reason. One of my ... patronees? ... recently removed his $1 tier and introduced two tiers, $5 and $10. $5 is too rich for my blood. I've stuck on the grand-fathered $1. I'd have gone for $3. It's not rational, I pay that for coffee without even thinking about it, but there it is. And I don't think I'm alone: That guy has 25-ish supporters [I got that wrong, it's actually 13] and since he made the change, he got 0 (zero) at $5 and 1 (one) at $10. Now that guy "just" spends stupid hours creating an AMAZING character sheet for roll20. No porn. Porn changes the equation, you might be able to charge 5 and 10 and have people sign up in droves. And if you can, DO! This is all about maximizing your return. Just wanted to let you know where my mindset is at, and what I've observed about my own behavior. As I say, it ain't rational at all. But it still is, and quite strongly so from an emotional standpoint. $5 is a barrier, and $10 a bigger one. $3 is easy. Edit 2: More random observations. The guy I support at $10 has $1, $3, $5 and $10 tiers. The guy I support at $5 has $1, $5 and $10 tiers. Does that mean that feeling like $5 is truly a choice influences my behavior and makes me _more_ likely to spend it if there's a $3 tier in between? Probably. Two data points don't make an insight. But -- probably. Still just talking about me and nobody else :).