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So sorry for the delay on this weeks video, Bardock and I had some issues with audio and it is a loooong video by my standards and copyright claims are a bastard. 

Anyway, I figured I might share some other behind the scenes developments to make up for it. 

You see, along with my regulars video content I've been discussing some expansions to the video roster to shake things up and would be interested to hear your takes. 

1: What if Scenarios! 

This idea is inspired by all those Dragon Ball What if videos, some of which I have definitely enjoyed in the past. The basic idea is asking "What if X happened?" and providing a story outline on how to get there and the consequences of it. 

Were I to do so, I'd likely dabble in many series, DBZ and RWBY jump most to mind though. Off the cuff, one angle I'd aim to stick with, at least when starting out is to keep the concept constrained to the stories in questions. 

IE, "What if Sienna found out about Adam's treason in V2" would not become an outline all about Sienna Khan (As much as I might want that XD) But more be a thought experiment in how the that might be woven into the story as is. 

That is of course just one way to try these things and experimentation would surely yield an evolving formula, but for now, next up! 

2: Original Outlines! 

This would be rather rare and self indulgent but basically it would be me outlining ideas for series, overarching story, character arcs, themes and season structure, ETC. Some examples include: 

Batgirl & Spoiler, the Animated Series!
A series set during and based off Cass's initial run as Batgirl with her teamed up with Spoiler and Oracle in the mentor role, with their overarching villain being the court of owls. 

Robin Run, the Animated Series!!
A series idea built around a six season show, each one covering the beginning, middle and end of each Robin's career, from Dick, to Duke and how I'd balance the timelines. 

Faunus Rights Revolution, the Movie!
A wholly selfish pick, but how I'd write a Faunus Rights Revolution film, I actually already have the treatment for that written up, if people request it I may post it. 

Guardians of the Globe, Movie Franchise!
Does anyone want to know how I'd plan out a Guardians movie franchise, thus implicitly ruining the surprise angles I'd be going for? Sure why not, XD 

3: Story Postings: 

So, I have been working on several original story projects, from Aftershock to that reverse Isekai, to Kyokujitsu and I could definitely share some of that right here on Patreon if people wanted to see it. Might give me more motivation to right, I am stuck on chapter five of Kyokujitsu right now ><  


Soooo yeah, if any of that sounds good to you, please say and if you have suggestions feel free! 


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