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Hello all you fiends in the mortal realm,

I hope this journal finds you well. I just wanted to give all an update on what to expect in the following weeks as well as a few commission changes to report.

First off, thank you all SO much for your warm reception to my latest comic, The Hog Heaven incident! It has given me a lot of newfound insight and confidence to forge ahead further into this original story of mine, and I can't thank you enough for your kindness and interest. We only have four more pages left, bringing the total page count of this comic to a modest 26...but I assure you, there's plenty more fun to come in The Sins of Schandmaske. Those final pages should be out before the end of May, and should be public by the first week of June.

After that, public work will go quiet for a bit while  I work out the next eight new pages of The Flan Co. Meal Plan, which subscribers at any tier will be able to enjoy.

Once the new Flan Co. pages are complete, I have a few new ideas I'm toying with that I may hash out, or I might choose to finish up Uncontainable for good to get it wrapped up. It's about 75% done as it is, so it shouldn't take too long to finalize it and finally have the completed tale. And yes, to anyone concerned - Uncontainable will remain free and public. ~

Now onto my commission update:

Unfortunately, as of today, I am no longer offering sequences as a commission option. I will still be choosing one Legion Tier supporter each month to create a five-step sequence for, but other than that, I've decided to discontinue sequences at least for now. Below is a short list of reasons:

  • They take too much time and energy to complete to my own satisfaction, which takes time and energy away from other projects that I feel are of higher quality or will have a greater impact / appeal.

  • They take too much time and energy to complete for what I've been charging for them, which either means I have to stop offering sequences as an option or increase my sequence prices.

  • I dislike posting sequences, as they are either unusually long or unusually wide, unless I arrange the steps into a series of rows and columns, but I feel that all of these presentations are a bit cumbersome and ugly.

  • I just don't enjoy making sequences anymore. They were a fun and easy way for me to get started back in 2018, and since I loved viewing sequences, it was a natural starting point for me to explore male expansion in art. Nowadays, sequences have become not only stressful and difficult to create to my level of standards, but they've also lost their excitement. Instead of enjoying sequences, I now dread them.

Going forward, I've removed the sequence option from my commission information list and I will not be accepting commissions for sequences until further notice. I appreciate your understanding and patience, and I hope I can still serve my clients with comic pages, basic commissions, and series commissions. 

[NOTE: If you are a subscriber at the Legion Tier level, you'll still see any and all non-private sequences that are won in the monthly giveaways. If you've joined the Legion Discord server, you'll still be eligible to win a sequence of your choosing each month as long as you're still subscribed and you react to the monthly giveaway post.]

Thanks again to all of you for your patience and kind words, and I look forward to bringing you more content very soon.

Prost, und bleibt hungrig... ;)




Looking forward to more Flan co Curious about what happened to the brother and the other police officers