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It hasn't been 24 hours and they already leaked Tatsumaki's illustration, along with all the other illustrations, even the gumroad ones.

 I have stopped making commissions to try to dedicate myself completely to this and have only generated $35 this month.

If I generated at least enough to support myself, I wouldn't complain but not even that. Why? Why do they do this to me?

(Now I don't know whether to delete everything and close my patreon. I can't live from this and grow here, if they do this kind of things to me.)

Thank you for making my situation worse and making the sacrifice I have made more difficult.

No han pasado ni 24 horas y ya han filtrado la ilustración de Tatsumaki, junto con todas las demás ilustraciones, incluso las de gumroad.

 He dejado de hacer encargos para intentar dedicarme por completo a esto y sólo he generado 35 dólares este mes.

Si generara al menos lo suficiente para mantenerme no me quejaría pero ni eso. ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué me hacen esto?

(Ahora no sé si borrar todo y cerrar mi patreon. No puedo vivir de esto y crecer aquí, si me hacen este tipo de cosas).

Gracias por empeorar mi situación y hacer más difícil el sacrificio que he hecho.




I’m sorry that your going through this and definitely crazy that it hasn’t even been 24hrs.


I don't know what to do, they even filtered the illustrations I sent by email. I think I'll give up, I definitely can't support myself financially with this. :(