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Update for 3.6.0 with bug fixes!!

Goo Engine 3.6.0 for Windows 

Goo Engine 3.6.0 for Mac 


joshua few

Hey Dillion Goo I was hopeing to borrow some wisdom from you. I started working in Blender this year and recently I watched a twitch stream with other animators. A question I had asked them during the stream was if I were to make a demo reel in blender and send it out to potential employers would that pose a problem and most if not all somewhat agreed saying to learn Maya if you're looking to go professional. My question to you is did you have a similar thing said to you and or experience it first-hand how did you navigate that situation? Also would switching to Maya be better since I'm not super deep in blender yet?

Crashsune Animations

(I'm not Dillon but I've been through the professional animation application process a lot so I hope this helps!) If your only goal is to get a job at an animation studio or games studio like Pixar or Epic Games, I would say just learn Maya, yes. However, I've also gotten interviews purely from my experience using Blender. It's valuable to certain studios, it just depends on where you want a job. You can look at animation job postings for your ideal company to work for and see if they require Maya experience, Blender experience, or any other software for that matter. (These 'requirements' are usually more like suggestions though keep in mind.) But if you're interested in making work that looks like Dillon's, learn Blender. It's incredible at NPR, especially with Goo-engine. If you want both of those things, learn both! :)


Definitely worth learning Maya if you wanna appeal to the industry standard! It doesn't take too long to transfer your Blender skills over to Maya if you already know Blender. But the reality is that if your animation foundations and fundamentals are present, you'll always have a shot somewhere, even if you're only presenting Blender animations. And I believe in recent years, Blender is becoming more and more popular in the industry. So you never know. I hope that helps!

joshua few

It helps tremendously thank you. Honestly, I was stuck between which one to follow however getting a lot of advice from people help put thinks in a greater light for me so again thank you.