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Final Fantasy XV - Part 7 - LauraKBuzz Plays

It's a struggle, but we murder a big ol' nasty today.



Please stop posting per episode of let's plays. One post per series i can understand but one per episode is just annoying. Subscribers of your youtube channel will see it anyways.


Was using the first week of this series as a test bed for if posting daily increased view retention compared to Youtube Sub notifications only, particularly in light of Youtube having recent issues with accounts getting auto unsubbed. I've had a few folk tell me Youtube unsubbed them from me so I was testing this as a potential work around. You'll notice I did not post daily about other series, I left them to Youtube only as a control for reference. I apologise if this was an issue or an inconvenience, I was merely trying to collect data on video performance across a couple of different places I post content.


Thank you for stopping posting about every episode! Also after thinking for like 5s i decided i would not unsubscribe but mute you if you were to still post about every episode because you do deserve the support! Thank you for your inspiration tho :)