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Review: The Last Guardian

In many puzzles, you are required to call for Trico, get his attention, and get him to do something for you. Maybe he needs to stand in a certain spot, maybe he needs to eat something. Getting him to do these things is worse than inconsistent, at times it made puzzles seem impossibly infuriating.



I've only seen a couple gameplay videos, but it looks like a lot of instances where Trico doesn't respond to commands. Does that get better down the line? Or is it always just a crap shoot whether commands work or not? I could understand a mechanic where he's obstinate for the first act, and get obedient over time, but it looks like commands are just not registering. A visually disobedient animal that progresses through training is defendable. A buggy, hit-or-miss system isn't.


Worthless nonpatron comment, but this is very close to Jim Sterling's take. Maybe there will be a consensus.