Regarding Destructoid UK (Patreon)
Obviously, recieving this news two days before heading off for surgery is less than ideal haha.
I want to address the fate of our little team, as well as our hopes and plans going forward.
In a perfect world, I would like to bring Vikki and Joe over to my little content creation platform. I would like to pay them the same salary they were earning at Destructoid, and instead have them creating content for my site and feeds.
I want to get Joe on more butt review shows as a permenant co-host. I want to set Vikki up with a little "why you should care about this teenage boy shooty bang bang game" corner. I want to rebrand the DestrUKtoid podcast, keeping the format intact, and relaunch it without the Dtoid name.
Basically, I want to begin growing this from just my content, to content in a similar vain to my own from other writers I have worked with and who I trust.
Oh, and we might potentially host it all under the pretty cool URL of, which Vikki apparently just totally owns haha.
So yeah, you'll be seeing a lot less of me at Destructoid after I return from surgery.
My main concern right now is working out how to pitch my Patreon as important enough to get approved for E3 and similar conventions in the future now haha. Also, goodbye steady stream of review codes haha.
Still, being salaried in an editorial role was a wild ride while it lasted.