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Hey all

Tomorrow, I'll have been doing the full time games media thing as a full time job for a whole year, which is crazy to think about. Thank you so much to every single one of you.

As a celebration, I'm going to be publishing a bunch of content all day tomorrow. Like, a LOT of content in one day.

Part of this is I am planning to do a two hour publicly accessible Livestream Q&A. The livestream will be going on from 4pm until 6pm UK on Saturday November 21st.

If you've got questions you want to ask you can do so in the Q&A tab of the livestream, over Twitter @LauraKBuzz, by email to Laura@Destructoid.com or as a comment on this Patreon post.

Get excited, tomorrow is going to be a busy day of content.



What are your main goals to achieve during next year as a video games journalist?


Have a great day Laura, Sorry I cant join in I am getting married today!