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Hey all, it's the LauraKBuzz November Backer Hangout.

This backer hangout took place earlier this evening.


LauraKBuzz - November Patreon Backer Hangout

Hey all, it's the LauraKBuzz November Backer Hangout. This backer hangout took place earlier this evening. Want to ask me questions in a future live hangout? Go give me some money on Patreon at Patreon.com/LauraKBuzz.



sorry I missed it


Great hangout. I loved (and love) your honesty, and yes, I think that has to do with your success. You're an easy person to relate to, and that makes people see you as their friend. I really like that you draw the line and always remind people that "no we're not best friends" because loneliness is a difficult situation which opens up space for people liking you too much. I dislike games critics who feed on the "being friends" thing (you know who I mean. Still love them anyway, but I disagree with that behaviour). I think it is important separating personal and work life, especially because of the social aspect of your job. I think that's something that will come to you in time, but I feel like you do a good job at that anyway. Question: I liked your honesty about feeling distressed at conventions. I would love meeting you one day, but would hate to make you distressed. Could you tell us how you would prefer for people to approach you at conventions? Would you rather not be approached? I think it's your right to tell your fans what kind of relationship you want with them - both in person and online. Cheers and keep rocking.


I think from this year's experiences I would say my two bits of advice would be A) Don't take it too personally if I'm in a rush to get to a bit of the convention for work and don't have time to stop right then and B) Not take it too personally if I'm very tired or not making great conversation. I make every effort to be energetic and interested/ make good conversation with everyone who says hi, but conventions are draining for me at the best of times due to the sheer volume of people, so sometimes I may just be a bit visibly tired or socially struggling. Still feel free to say hi, just don't take it as you having done anything wrong if I'm like that :P And yeah, I know exactly who you're referencing. I am certainly not one of their "best friends" :P