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If we eventually see Mario Kart Ultimate or Splatoon Ultimate, we should see the writing on the wall.


Nintendo Can't Forever Rely On Adding More Content to Things We Already Love

When it comes to my console of choice each new generation, I've always been drawn to Nintendo systems. Sure, the company is undeniably behind the curve on basic functionality concepts when it comes to their online service, and they frequently make moves that are baffling to watch, but theirs were the first game franchises I...


Perpetual Noob

Good point. It's going to be weird when Smash has to reduce the roster. I see it going the way of Marvel vs. Capcom. 2 had a huge roster and every game since has had fewer and fewer characters. Maybe there won't be anything after Smash Ultimate besides remasters for future consoles. Probably not but we can hope. 🙂