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With Death Stranding just a few months from release, it's amazing thaqt press have not been allowed to play it. Until NOW! Yes, I definitely played part of Death Stranding, exclusive preview here. For realz.


Exclusive Hands On Preview: Death Stranding

First revealed way back at Sony's E3 2016 press conference, Death Stranding has been a bit of a mystery since day one. The newest game from creator Hideo Kojima, best known for his work on the Metal Gear series of games, is due to release in just a few short months, and it's still largely...



I recently finished Uncomfortable Labels... In which you talk about your problems over-using energy drinks... and was genuinely concerned for you when I saw you drinking Monster


To be clear to anyone worried, the amounts of energy drink described in the article were exaggerated for comedic effect. Please trust that I know my own tolerances and acceptable safe limits and know how to keep myself safe while working on a comedy based article.


To be clear to anyone worried, the amounts of energy drink described in the article were exaggerated for comedic effect. Please trust that I know my own tolerances and acceptable safe limits and know how to keep myself safe while working on a comedy based article.