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First post of 2024!

Kicking the year off by announcing the winner of the 1st ever PrintableHeroes Mod Challenge!

539 total votes were cast and the winner with 101 community votes is... the Mimic Barrel by CapZylo! Congrats Cap!

Special shout out to the runners up: Penny Cantrip by Jaime / iamjustarogue, Winged Tiefling Alchemist by Laila Cursaro, and Chill Wizard Bro by Oldmanmodo were the clear crowd favorites behind Cap's Mimic Barrel.

Thanks so much to everyone who entered the Challenge and to all of the community members who participated in the voting. It seemed like folks had fun and would be down for more of these challenges in the future. Maybe some kind of themed one next?

New Barrel Mimic Mini Design

As I was diving into making the new Mini based off of Cap's Mod I decided I might as well update the art on the old standing Barrel prop from the Prop Deco Set that Cap pulled from for his mod. I plan on giving it it's own entry on the website catalog (so it can work with the PDF Creator) when I release the new Barrel Mimic mini.

Originally released sometime before 2018 (hell, it might have been released before PrintableHeroes even had a website!), the barrel was long over due for some love.

For the Mimic Barrel design, I really liked the forward motion Cap went for and the kicked up cloud of dusk he added so I tried to keep those elements in. For the mouth, Cap pulled from the Mimic Door, so I kept the same color scheme and vibe but tried to give it it's own shape that could play off  the curve of the barrel.

I'm still figuring out how I want to approach these Mod Challenge minis in the future - i don't want to deviate too far from the mod their based off of but I also don't want to make them too similar (after all we already have the awesome mod). For now I plan to just go with my gut and listen to feedback.

I hope you guys found this fun/cool. Mimics are a blast to work on - they're just these over-the-top muppets and I really appreciated the excuse to spend some time on this one.

Thanks everyone!



Congrats! :D


Congrats! , I love it!