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Trying something new with these Dungeon Map Tiles. Rather then create individual entries for a bunch of predetermined dimensions I've built the PDF files and the PNGs the PDF Creator uses to allow you to layout your open dimensions. 

For convenience I have included some pre-defined map tiles (2x2, 2x3, 3x3, 3x6, 6x6) as PNGs at both Print and Virtual Tabletop resolutions and in the Cut files. 

Since this is a new type of asset and a new format I'd love feedback!

You can snag the files from the website catalog here,

Map Tile - Dungeon - 01 

Previews of the alternate color options I've included for Tier3+ Patrons,




These are perfect! I've been using dry erase battle maps for my players along with a lot of the enemy files you've made but this would help make planning boss fights and big moments a lot more memorable for my players


ooh these look so good. I wonder if there's a way to use these together with Wyloch's "cardboard lock" tile system....

Eddie Sheffield

I'd imagine it'd be fairly simple. Do Wyloch's system with the chipboard for the first two layers, put another full sheet of chipboard for the third layer then just gluestick these paper ones on top of the chipboard. Could even put thin slits between tiles in the surface to be able to slide the paper walls into (you'd have a tile on the outside of the walls but not sure how else you'd "lock" them into place) Really it's probably the thinnest way you can get interlocking dungeon tiles and I may just snag that idea since I'm a travelling DM...