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Hey Everyone! 

It's been another crazy month and lots of new faces!

I just wrapped up the Purple Worm (available here  if you missed it) which was the $600 goal reward and I'm starting on the Aboleth for the $800 goal reward, but we're already nearly at $1000 and I need to decide what that'll be.

So, here's a few of the options I was thinking:


Beholder - Back on the table ladies and gents! (will be released for "Pay What You Want" on DMsGuild to uphold their WotC Product Identity restrictions)

Dragon Turtle 

but I'm open for other suggestions, any thoughts?

Thank's everyone for your amazing support :D



I would love a new big terrifying beholder, maybe with a few subraces (specifically the Death Tyrant).


If I had to choose between those three I'd say Beholder since it is so iconic. Didn't you already do one though? I'd actually like to see you do a small set of vampires including your sketch of Strahd you mentioned. I think given the popularity of that model it'd be really popular even if it was just Strahd himself. I know the worm was 3 parts so maybe 2 or 3 vampires (Strahd and two different thrills)?


Beholder would be my choice!


I cant say it enough, beholder!!! and maybe some of the lesser types of beholders? Spectators, Gazers, Gauths.


As much as I love Orcus beholders are amazing and I would love to see you do some form of beholder, death tyrant or gauth :D


Agreed lol


Alright, I think Beholder is the clear favorite. I do intend to do Strahd at somepoint, have no fear - well, have all of the fear actually ha.


Beholders, Strahd and his vampire court. Awesome!! Still think we should keep the Demon Lords in thought too. For later :)


Just adding to the resounding chorus, but beholders (and variants of them like spectators) would be AWESOME!


If i'm not sorely mistaken, Beholders are reserved (via copyright law) by WoC.

Frank L Turfler

Beholders! (As if that was in question.)


Yeah, I've been trying to find how that applies if I release it for free, if that falls under fanart.


Orcus i would love to have all the Demon Princess


Sorry guys, just read through every scrap of legal documentation I could find on it and looks like Beholders are off the table :/


Orcus looks awesome!!


Probably not worth the risk on beholders (although that's what I want...) I'd put my vote in for some mindflayers?


A tarrasque would be really cool, or maybe a kraken... or some dinosaurs


Unfortunately mindflayers are also one of the few monsters not covered by the Open Gaming License :/


Orcus would fit rather perfectly with my current campaign :D


Orcus please! After your demogorgon, I'll take any demon lords you want to make. :)


It's not as big but I think the beholder. You provide a kick ass service in making these minis because they are expensive. Many dms don't have access to beholders despite that being one of the more likely monsters a party is likely to see

JT Hood

Id love to see a beholder mini :)


If beholders are off the table (understandable so), I'd have to go with Orcus. Maybe for $1200, Gibbering Mouther?


Orcus would be awesome!!


I guess i would go with dragon turtle cause it would be the one i would most likely to use. I would love to have some golems though. I like how you have good representation in your minis so a golem that looks like a lady would be awesome and different.


Cant go wrong with random PC arch types and races


That sucks about the mindflayers but again... not worth the risk. I like Imps idea of the batch of PCs but given the new info... Orcus.. I vote Orcus lol.


Aww rats. So the beholder is off the table? That's the one I most wanted to see. Couldn't you do a Gazer, an Eye Tyrant, or an Orb Queen, or something?


Those are my thoughts. Call it an eyebeast or some such thing.


Dinosaurs! Zombie reskins and skeletal Dino's!


Dracolich maybe?


I'm rather surprised that Orcus, a named character, IS covered by the OGL. Huh.


They made much of their existing monster manuals from the 3.5 edition era covered by the OGL, to my knowledge there is only a relatively small list of monsters that were not included, beholders, mindflayers, yaun-ti, and surprisingly carrion crawlers are among them.




Nice selections! I'd get way more use from the Beholder.


Perhaps the biggest, baddest monster there is: The Tarrasque!


Looking into it further. For monsters like the Beholder that aren't covered by the OGL, I can do them as long as I release them only on the DMsGuild. The money pledged on Patreon for the reward goal is treated just like any other artist being commissioned by someone else for a published article on the DMsGuild. So what I can do is publish them on the DMsGuild and make them "Pay What You Want" so they'll still be free to anyone and everyone, and then just link from my Patreon to them on the DMsGuild.


A manticore or some mycondids would be cool!


Another vote for the Beholder/Variants and also some more PC race/class combos! Thanks again for all you do!


the tarrasque is a good idea!


A shit ton of townfolk from shady to humble to rich and poor. Never have enough and they can be so versatile.


I would love a Beholder. I've never been a big fan of the offcial minis they releases. I like the unusual beholders like the White one from the new Volos guide book


The Beholder sounds amazing! I'm currently running OoTA and I thought it'd be awesome if you could create the creatures from specific adventure books to package and sell them. I'm sure the thought has crossed your mind but thought I'd drop it here if it didn't. P.S. Love your work!


A lich?


mind flayers?


Go on with orcus!


Well it looks I'm too late, since it seems you've decided on the beholder. But my vote is on Orcus. Consider that for a future mini. BTW, other paper mini makers have released beholders. I know that Fat Dragon Games has a full 3D one.


Congrats on $1000! Can't imagine how exciting that is. Great work!


Okay, going with Beholder as that seems to be the clear favorite, but Orcus was a close 2nd so he'll be the reward following it.


From everything I've read, I can't legally create/release a creature that looks a beholder (one eye with multiple eye stalks), I could do something similar (one big eye, no stalks or all stalks no big eye, etc) and call it something different which maybe how other makers got around it. The DMsGuild however does make it possible for me to legally create and make available official "Product Identity" content.


Thanks! I think we must have hit it while I was asleep and then dropped below again before I woke up haha, ah well, still crazy exciting to have so much interest! That light at the end of the tunnel steadily gets brighter


That sounds awesome! If time permits would you consider doing a zombie Beholder reskin/alt color? I ask only because it would work great for a campaign I'm working on.


So... looks like Orcus will be $1000 reward? And then dragon turtle for $1200 (or w/e), or are you still looking for suggestions for that one?


Sorry! I forgot to edit the body of the main post. $1000 is Beholder, $1200 is Orcus, and beyond that is still undetermined (Dragon Turtle still in the running, as is Strahd).


One thing that would be AWESOME would be terrain packs. Printable things like pillars or boxes in your style would be great for designing more diverse encounters.


I'd be happy with either Dragon Turtle or Strahd for after the Orcus.

Wayne Humfleet

I would love to see more giants, maybe a updated party of adventurers, an army of orcs, Terrain is also welcome.


I just threw my wallet at you big time =) A couple requests from me would be the giants and Iymrith from Storm Kings Thunder! I love your work thou! But do you have any good guide or tips on how to get those created, standing and stored?


Hey Tomas, thanks so much for the support :D I'm really looking forward to doing some more giants in the future - at the least Fire, Cloud, and Storm. I do really need to put a guide together and post it somewhere. I recommend for best results using 68lb or thicker glossy photo paper, use an extra strength glue stick to adhere both sides together, then take your time cutting them out with a razor. I personally use the printable bases included with my minis and just let the minis take over all my shelves, but if storage is an issue then I would recommend picking up some plastic clip bases so you can pop the minis out and stack them when you're not using them - if I traveled more for my games that is the way I'd go.


Maybe a Mount theme with griffon, hippogriff and Pegasus?


I would love to see another demi-god like Demogorgon, like Tiamat or a devil OR demon lord :) Otherwise, I still wish upon a digital star when you start making Elementals. Maybe even a giant elemental?


I would pay extra for Eberron specific work. Emerald Claw, Karnnathi undead, Dolgaunts, etc.


Spells under your art style would be sick. Or circles we could lay on our mat to represent AOEs


A manticore would be pretty awesome! It's a monster that while epic in appearance could show up in a lot of starter campaigns as well as experienced campaigns.


Ahh, that is an awesome idea. No promises on a timeline, but I'm excited by the idea nad have already started looking through the spelll list to see would be required token/mini/template-wise to be useful


Hey Scott, I probably wont be able to do specific "product identity" work as a regular thing through Patreon as anything I do would have to be released via the DMsGuild and I don't really have a way to link that to Patreon's tier rewards.


I have so many ideas for elementals and (shiver) giant elementals, they're still kind of like the dessert at the end of a meal for me - they'll be so much fun I'm kind of saving them as a reward for myself once I get caught up on my other obligations (townsfolk and bandits...)


Manticore almost made the short list along side Griffons and Sphinx. There's a good chance I'll do them as regular monthly minis - they just barely don't make the cut for the level of grandeur I'm shooting for on these Goal Rewards, but they'd be a whole lot of fun to do.


Yeah, I'd like to finish off the giant races (still need to do fire, storm, and cloud) and update the orcs/adventurers... What kind of terrain were you thinking? Like maps/tiles or props (ruins, trees, bookshelves, etc)?


I would Just like basic figurines; skeletons, bandits, orcs, hobgoblins, bugbears, etc... More gaints would be nice too.


My suggestion is more minis for creatures that are common in the existing WotC adventures. Vampires, more giants, a Tiamat, etc. It would give them more 'usability'. Hmm Tiamat would be a good goal mini!