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Doing a bit of house keeping this week and made the following adjustments to these miniatures:

Half-Elf - Cleric - 01
- Very minor art clean-up.
- Adjusted Scale to be a bit bigger.
- Added PDF Creator support
- Added VTT files
- Added Studio Cutfiles 

Half-Elf - Cleric - 02 (for Tier 2+ Patrons)
- Adjusted Scale to be a bit bigger.
- Added PDF Creator support
- Added VTT files
- Added Studio Cutfiles

Elf - Druid - 03
- Adjusted Scale to be a bit bigger, a little wider.
- Added PDF Creator Support
- Updated VTT files
- Added Studio Cutfiles

Let me know in the comments if there's any particular older files you'd like to see me update and I can try to prioritize 'em as I move through 'em.




Would love to see an update on the Cloaker. My campaign is moving into Shadowfell soon. :)


Not exactly an update request, but it'd be great to have the Rakshasa files with the hands flipped for something like a Tabaxi bladesinger.